How to fix not being able to remember what I see?

I made a post recently about trying to get back into meditations and I’m also trying to do it with my eyes open too.

Recently, I had caught the quickest glimpse of a silhouette while relaxing after meditating but when I look back on this, all I have is the memory of the occurrence but not the image. I have the same thing happen when I catch glimpses of shadows.

It’s like when you see that gray fuzz at the eye doctor’s when they blow that air in your eyes.

Even in meditations, I can remember going to a place and/or making contact but when I try to look back, I can only make out vague details (mostly colors and/or clothing) that aren’t useful to anyone.

I was wondering: Does this clear up in time with more practice? Or is this something that I need to fix independently and if so, how?

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I’ve found this to depend more on the spirits than on your personal abilities with these spontaneous, unexpected manifestations of a presence. Some are clearer than others, some don’t really appear visibly at all but leave signs or cause synchronistic events that align with their energy.

This has pretty much been stable for me over the years. Internal visualization has improved with practice, but glimpses and the like are more or less the same.

This is more of an interesting point now that I consider it for a moment. I suppose now it’s pretty normal when it happens, like it’s weirder if it doesn’t happen, but in the earlier days, seeing a spirit manifested with even a somewhat clouded or shrouded form was pretty intense cause it’s much harder to psychologize away or kind of dismiss and forget about in the seemingly ordinary flow of life.

I suppose there’s not much in the way of development that you have to do for your normal external vision like there is with mental visualization, to cultivate the skill required to enable the experience. What causes it to be the case that spirits don’t always manifest themselves tangibly in this way? Perhaps it’s because it’d be freaky as all fuck for a relatively less experienced occultist if it was just there, all the time.

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Thank you. It makes sense to think of it as an adjustment period, rather then a set back. I agree that it would be freaky as fuck to see things before being absolutely ready!

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