How to do this?

Hi Magi,

I want to know how to achieve below 2 goals using energy manipulation.

How to cause someone to love a specific person?

How to cause 2 people to stay away from each other?


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Isn’t all magick energy manipulation? Not sure if you mean something specific in terms of technique here?

If not, I would suggest picking up a grimoire like NAP or one of the GOM ones as they tend to have rituals in that cover what you’re after

Or just try some reading some law of attraction books if you wanna keep things even simpler. I like Neville Goddard and if you search on here there’s a recent post on his revision technique you can really find a way to do your aim with

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Yes it is. However, i dont want to get help from other spirits. If i learn to do it, i could do it whenever i want :wink:

That being said, i know making psi balls, thoughtforms n servitors. I was hoping someone who is pro at this to guide me n be my backup as I do the work myself.

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Avoiding spirits and only using yourself- Neville techniques are effective and you can do it anytime in future

Or make a sigil chaos magick style

For other suggestions yeah someone else would have to come along and answer than myself :joy:

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I got the theory part covered already!

I need someone who has been there done that to guide me in my workings …

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Use the search button, these questions have been answered numerous times.

If you have the theory, what is it that you need anyone else to guide you for? Not trying to sound snarky just I don’t quite understand why you need anybody else to guide you further? It might help us understand what you’re asking for

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How would i know if my workings are working are not?
How to track progress?
What to do when its not working?
What if the person im influencing is into magick? How to deal with it without hurting the person?
Well, list goes on …

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Yeah, book of shadows - you look back and observe. Basically just a journal you record your magick in and your observations on it. Helpful for looking back and measuring progress

I’m not sure it’s what technique you want to use so simply don’t if it’s not for you but honestly to me law of attraction Neville way, I personally can’t be arsed with some of the other teachers out there who make a whole song and dance about extra fluff being necessary, (IME it’s not) would kinda solve every one of those potential problems

If the person you’re influencing is into magick, probably a battle of wills of who’s is strongest really :sweat_smile:

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