How to create a telepathic link to energy body?

I want to create a permanent high powered telepathic link to my astral body. I have seen people talking about it, but never found out how this can be done.

It can be used for partial projection and full projection as well.


I so admire your diligence in coming up with creative and alternative ways to reach your goal. You often think outside the box and if you find a stone your not willing to leave it un-turned.

I have seen a lot of your post incite all kinds of reactions from others but i love reading your posts and following the puzzle pieces along your journey.

I really do hope that you reach the goal your striving for.

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That’s not how that works lol. Your astral body and your mind are always tied your astral body is you. What you want is like saying you want a telepathic link to your hands.


But it connects your brain to your etheric mind. Easier control

Not at all. Again not how that works. You want your projection to do something you do it in the projection. If you’re not projecting and want it to do something you simply meditate on the projection and send a command. It’s really not hard in the first place it’s you not some external individual. That’s why the projection will not go against your conscious ideologies and such.

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Someone told me she did this and her astral body acts as a sidekick. She is able to partial project at will after doing that

A sidekick?


Side by side with her physical body. That is what she said in her words

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Okay, yeah I’ve done that where I’ve worked out my projection with my physical body but that’s not astral projection or etheric projection. It’s physical projection, the projection is basically you project onto the physical, from there you stop projecting but don’t absorb the projection. You from there can send commands to it as it’s you, your intention matters. Sure when you etheric or astral your projection goes about it’s business, but it can be told what to do even if it’s still you.

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I am hust wondering how to create that powerful link to make it easier. A link of consciousness and telepathy between etheric and physical bodies

It’s not exactly a telepathy thing but I get you

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