How to Correctly Evoke My'Self: Morrigain /Morgana


I can transmute gems stone
This was a bright orange carnelian

My Excalibur has returned.
However I use another name for it.


Glad there is some theory behind this and im not just insane.


Min’kassa / Morgan aspect of Mys’Elf is open to employing a Nether
She is what do you mean " glad there is some theory behind…"?

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That greyish device with the hole in it: is that a sort of knife you made yourself? It looks awesome (and yet totally clean compared to the rest of the picture :grin:)


For what purposes do you need a nether? Do you mean like something abyssal?

And about the theory… Ive slapped myself a few times before to get into/out of trance. Never heard of it or seen it just glad someone else thinks its reasonable lol.

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Version one. Might make a standalone thread for this. Seems like you need it though.

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No its the ring the stone in the ring


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hidden Min’kassa - Nimue Lore:

Min’kassa shows me:



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Thanks Oberion.
I am most certainly stronger
Of all the horrors and betrayals I have experienced In this lifetime and the ones that I remember…
The experiences that I am greatful for the understanding of this world
The raising spirit had most certainly been ejected to being strong again

So it is definitely done
I have been called the hydra and become anchored here. That work appeared to be completed.
My House isat my fingers.
My swords my wyrms my other toys… Er tools.

Currently when I Morgana considered that now all i must be doing is to evolve with the shifting in energies of my symbiont m that I grew myself and the devil gene that I earned to have.

My spirit bodies have since grown a plasma ball… Then a soul for king Paimon…

It is with great challenge that I am growing well. Min’kassa is laying an egg. As called forth by the 9 gatekeepers.
I do not currently recall WHY it was that I agreed to do so.!!!

So much Chaos now. As it stands for this date in this hour it has been channelled into stone and is incubating in blood for 3x days…
Belial said 3 weeks to go.
Then it will take out of the blood and placed in some other.
A recipe given by Asmodeus.

Photos are onmy other device but as I just wasted credit uploading the recording of it.
Here is the link to the “Dark Elvish Magick”. Group which is where it is shared.

Yes chaos isa Natur state of being for the female in gestation.
Since This is in my Spirit body not in physical # but there’s the occasional symptom that shows up. Such as hormonal flux, heightened Senses, physical swelling, magnesium.
And utter rage. The gatekeepers or my spirit protector {“husband”} took my swords out of my hands as i wascin such wild and yet nothing…all at once in trance state.

This is what it can be like.
Ladies. Jyst for Your benefit Ladies. I am sharing this experience.