How to conjure ghosts in paranormal places with the help of demons?

Which demon will help me to conjure ghosts to create my own army???

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This is a ridiculous question.


There are many i’m sure, but just for a start.

From the Goetia.
Bifrons or Murmur. I’d add Bune but that’s not really her thing.

From Kingdoms of Flame.
Terratur and Targal can help with that, also the spirits Phaltorn and Atron could possibly as well.


How about evoking a legion of demons instead ?

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Capturing ghosts is easier than legion of demons,only advanced mage can capture legion of demons…

I never said that you need to capture them.

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You do realize most demons don’t travel alone right?

And it’s not really a matter of it being easier or capturing anything, more like what’s healthy.

Summon up any of those names i posted and ask them to tell you the consequences of spending to much time in the company of the dead. :man_shrugging:


Wait, what are the consequences? Is that why I’m so damned tired all the time?! And have almost no energy?

Ghosts feed on your energy…

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Even when you provide them with offerings?

I’m not too sure which Daemon specifically does this but I suggest to take caution in this as inviting a party of them specifically to your home may keep you up coz you got other beings moving shit and doing random shit around the house. And they’ll do it coz you invited all them. It may be annoying at some point just saying.

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ghosts should never be trusted as they don’t follow rules,while daemons follow rules and never break any vow.

Oh, thank you for your knowledge!

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I thought you’d know that by now, Oddnan. We were discussing soul contracts and rules just a hour or so ago


Sorry, I don’t read those when I sign them


Who does, really. Life’s to short to be worrying about small print


I’m only working with ghosts of people I knew while they were alive. Deceased family & friends. I trust them. I figured if they need anything, they’ll tell me.

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then no problem with them,but just ask tehem politely if they are stealing your energy…

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Dealing with spirits it’s usually “You Become liken to what/who you surround yourself with.”

Generally that’s not the case with ancestor spirits…Unless you somehow managed to get them pissed off at you.

So it’s probably something else, like your diet perhaps?

However if you think you may have an unknown nasty around you of the once living type i recommend summoning Bune and asking her to remove anything negative of that kind, she’s quite good at that while leaving your connection with the good ones intact, in fact will most likely strengthen it.


Thank you, @charles9. I’m thinking it might be a consequence of my closeness to Santa Muerte. But diet & other non-spiritual factors are probably involved, too.