How to bind a Djinn

First off summoning and binding a Djinn/Jinn is not something that should be done with a light heart. It shouldn’t be done just for the hell of it.
Binding a Djinn is only meant for those who are experienced enough in working with spirits and with energy.
Djinn are not toys for you to play with and even though you will be reading rituals that are teaching you how to bind Jinn to objects, that still doesn’t make them toys.
Djinn are very much different from your usual spirits such as Angels, Demons, Gods/Goddesses and even Loa. Djinn are more closely connected to the physical world than to spiritual worlds. For that reason they will be more powerful than most spirits you call forth. They can manipulate and control this world in a better way then some other spirits can.
I should quick mention that it would be wise of you to research about Djinn and the different types of Djinn.

Now i want you to read this entire ritual and make sure you know what you are doing. Make sure to have all the tools and items that are mentioned in the ritual.
Set aside time for the ritual so you won’t be bothered by anyone or anything.
Also you need to have a purpose for binding the Djinn, what is it you want from the Djinn…

The ritual;

  1. Say the following incantation 3 times to “open the gates”:
    “Allah shafim (sha-feem) barat (buh-rot) shiu (shoe) kamir (kuh-meer)”
  2. Light the candles in this order: white, black, red (the white and black candles represent the free will of the Djinn, while the red candle, as well as the flame that rests upon it, represents the fire which gave birth to the Djinn). Light the incense.
  3. Choose the specific type of djinn you wish to summon. Choose what you want and, with the black whiteboard marker, write the words as neatly as possible, towards the center of the mirror. Please note that you MUST, choose either male or female, and you must choose the type of Djinn. You can’t “leave it blank”. by first, write on the mirror: “Ali Allah hamal Jinni”
  4. Then for the sex, after the word “Jinni”, write: “Muschna” (for male) or “Vamir” (for female).
  5. Now, after the sex is written, write the following, no matter what type of Djinn you choose. “al aman”.
  6. Now, write the word for the type of Djinn you wish to choose after the period after aman. If you want a Marid (most powerful, friendly, water element), write “Majirr Al-Amari”. For an Ifrit (Efrit) (malicious, second most powerful, fire element), write “Flamarr Al-Amari”. For a Sila (the weakest of the Djinn, however, recommended if you are a beginner), write “Shamal Al-Amari”. Then, after the type of Djinn, write the following: “Closun ontei”. Now, you may feel the Djinn’s presence in the room with you. If you don’t, don’t worry, as many people don’t unless they are familiar with the energies a Djinn puts off.
  7. Now, you must request that the Djinn be bound to your item (stone, ring, jewelry, etc.) in exchange for some of your psychic energy (Djinn feed off of psychic energies, but it must be offered to them, so the Djinn will gladly accept your offer.) To do this, pick up the stone or your jewelry. Pass it through the incense as you look into the mirror. Now, say “I wish you to be physically and spiritually bound to this (object).”
  • Look into the mirror and see if you can see an image of the Jinn that is assigned to you.
  • If you can’t see it, ask for its name. The first name you hear in your mind is the name of your Jinn no matter how odd it might sound.
  • If you do not hear a name, simply refer to it as Jinn.
  1. Then say “In exchange for your mortal services, I offer you a certain amount of my own energies.”
  2. Then, you must perform a short (1 or 2 minute) meditation (go into a trance), during which, you will concentrate as hard as you can on transferring your energy from your body, and into the item you wish to bind the Djinn to. After you’ve finished your meditation, and transferred some of your energy into the item, the Djinn should be bound to the item. Then say, “You are bound by me, by this stone/jewelry to do as I please.”
  3. To close the spell, say the following three times: “En (in) tien (tea-in) Allah cluman (clue-mon).”
  4. After you have said the recitation, blow out the candles in the following order: red-black-white.
  5. Wipe off the writing from the mirror, as the spell is now completed.

This next ritual is meant to bind an Ifrit Djinn. This type of Djinn is a little harder to control and isn’t recommended for novices at all.
The same rules apply as they did for the ritual i gave before.

The ritual;
Place the White candle to your left, black candle to your right and the red candle in the middle. Have a blank mirror next to you but not behind the candles.

Now say this three times,
Ah oo do bill ebliss.
Me nahel Ale-ah-heal.

Say this three times,
Bissmeal ibliseal ahzeem.

Say this three times,
Ebliss shafeem wohohtz shu cahmeer.

Say this three times,

Now light the candles thus;
White, black and then red.

Now with a black marker write on the mirror;
Ibliss eelah Hamal Jinni, (after Jinni either right Muschna for Male or Vamir for female), Alaman, flamarr al amari, closun ontei.

Then place the mirror behind the candles and wait until the Djinn appears. Then ask it to be bound to your item, but you must do this as an offering for the Djinn;
Cut a bit of your hair and burn it with the red candle.

Now blow out the red candle wait a few seconds. Then blow out the white candle wait a few seconds. Finally blow out the black candle.

Clean up the ritual space and you are done.

I should mention that these rituals aren’t my original rituals and so you might find a similar version of these rituals from another source.


Bookmarked good shit

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Thank you… It is very real and the rituals do work… Just use much caution and understand its not meant for the novices.


Yes I can tell, I don’t know alot about djinns I want to try this in the future!

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Can i use this ritual (jinn) to make girl love me ? Sorry if is not the case i was just curios about it :slightly_smiling_face:

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You could yes.
Just be safe… But a Jinn would do that for you.


Is this from:

I’m just wondering.


No its not. But the ritual is similar if not the same.

I’ve gotten results from practical jinn magick by corwin Hargrove. It’s a lot simpler than this. The results are very good


Corwin suggests that you should not give offerings to jinn because they become attached and start to mess with your life negatively. I’ve gotten results using his method of working with the jinn.


They are not like angels or demons.

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Bad ass! I’m too scared tho lol but thanks for posting this!!!

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Thanks for all the feedback.
And yes, there are different ways to work with Jinn. Just look into it for yourself.

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Heyo, now this is the kind of thing I was looking for, thank you so much. Now, there are some things I wish to know about the Jinn. You mentioned the Sila is the weakest and ideal for beginners (such as me), but why are they the weakest? What limits do these type of Jinns have? When I first read this, I had originally wished to summon a Marid, since they’re so powerful, because I have wishes, that seem quite impossible to achieve, at least through this world’s limits, but I want to know if the Sila can still provide the same desires (I would go into detail, but it’s a little personal for me to write it here in the open, but I promise it isn’t harmful to others, mainly beneficial subjects)? Also, I heard the Djinn can twist your wishes, so is there any way to be sure you get a Djinn that won’t backstab you, or is this one of those flips of the coin thing? I hope to hear from you, have a blessed day/night.


I have heard that paimon is a djinn

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King Paimon is not a Djinn.
Djinn have ENTIRELY different energy than the gods. It’s very intense to work with and I do NOT recommend anyone but the very advanced to step into that arena.
I have a Marid Djinn that requested to work with me a few years back.
It’s not like working with the gods.


Working wiz djinns is so hard and not everyone can handle there presence… And all time after u summon them u 4 sure feel them even if u r just a beginner… Might see them too 4 the most ppl …
… Actually the ritual u posted it’s known to Arabian too much… Easy one too
And @anon50363245 ask king paimon about his connection/ related to the djinns… It’ll help u if he choose to tell/ show u that… But don’t say he’s not a djinn or not related to them before u ask him first


Let’s see…I’ve worked with a powerful Marid, and King Paimon. Two completely different energies. I didn’t say he wasn’t connected to them. But the energy of the gods is VASTLY different.


@anon50363245 Ofc it’s different no one said anything else… And I saw that u wrote about working wiz king paimon several times cuz of that I told u to ask him about it … U might know smth new and helpful too : )

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okay Zeinaa.