How many Astral Realms are there or are they virtually unlimited? What do you think

I was wondering how many astral realms/planes there really are? I havent myself ever astral projected so i have no experience about this field, in fact im starting to “tune” to these things according to my one friend. Im new here by the way.

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infiniteeeee. i could go on and on. everything is possible. tons of possibilities. i see it as there is a realm where every possibility has already happened, and you jump realms everytime you make a choice. this is your matrix. you can do anything. what you believe will show itself to you.

There’s one astral plane and within the astral plane people can create an unlimited amount of realms inside it as well as there are many already existing within it, the astral is in constant change with some areas more solid than others but still holds the capacity of being changed, as the astral is the plane of thought and imagination, the collective unconscious that connects all.

However, don’t confuse the astral plane with the “spiritual” plane.


So the astral plane is actualy the mental plane, right?

In a sense yes, it’s called a mental plane due to it being the plane of thought/collective unconscious because in our minds we can create and do just about anything, same as the astral, thoughtforms, and egregores call the astral their home because that’s where they can exist as “tangible living” beings. It’s also why when we are asleep and dreaming we can transition from our personal mentalscapes to the collective mental plane that is the astral and why when thoughtforms that are born in our mentalscape transition to the astral once they become more “aware”.


Very informative. thanks

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Technically the astral plane is one collective plane, we just see many different places and realms within it.

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No problem at all.

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I heard once that there is a plane between the astral and the physical which only dead people exist or something like that


That’s considered the energetic layer of the physical, tho there are many planes “between” the astral as the astral is the collective unconscious meaning it’s the mental plane of everything and everyone, the mind is in a way on a “higher” density compared to say the etheric, the physical, etc. The dead that do not move on can exist in the “middle world” which is basically what I mentioned earlier in this message. However, the planes aren’t like between each other, they can occupy the same space and simply be vibrating on different densities within their own spectrums.

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@anon48079295 good points there very informative but let’s say hypothetically that you create a temple in the astral plane and populate it with servants. Where among those layer you talked about would it excist ? In the energetic layer or in egregores space.
Or would it be in a space only accessible to the person who created it ?

egregores exist in the astral, it’s not split into energetic layer and egregoric layer, the energetic layer I mentioned is a physical thing, when someone has a physical OOBE they’re on the energetic layer of the physical not the astral unless they choose go transition there.

An astral temple can be out in the open in the astral or in your own pocket realm in the astral or even your own imagined up universe in the astral only the former will it be accessible to everyone, the latter two can be accessible to anyone if you did not put in place rules that stops that. However, those servants will be thoughtforms that can overtime become egregores either still in your service or become their own being.

A few people I know have used the astral to create their own worlds and universes and filled them with thoughtforms while also allowing other thoughtforms to come and make it their home.