How far does magic go?

Not really. The “white light” in that sense is a fraudulent concept.[quote=“dominus, post:3, topic:19550”]
fyi. the white light as i understand it is the source energy. EA talks about something that i think is the same thing in his soul travel videos as being sort of like a star and all of creation radiates from it. i’m not very advanced and i hear that this kind of thing is beyond intellectual study, so this might be complete nonsense. what do you more experienced people think?
The Source hardly cares what you do, and at the end of the day before the light their was the Abyss.

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ok, thanks. so, then. to expand on the original question a bit. what obstacles should i expect on my quest to become omniarch?

@dominus Don’t try to become the JCI God. He never existed. Never will.

What you can become is an Archdemon in your own right.

in addition to my goal of gaining power i want to use it for something. having fun and experiencing new things for one, (and i wouldn’t say no to making a planet just for sex and such) but it’s important to me that i make a better world for humanity too. curing diseases and stopping wars and reducing crime and poverty and such. being an archdemon is great but to achieve goals like that i think i might need to be even stronger than that. am i wrong?

Also, you are talking about becoming more powerful than some of in not the most powerful beings anywhere. That will be hard.

ok, then why don’t they? to far above it all?

Because the gateways are blocked, and there are beings who don’t want them here. Earth is controlled by malevolent forces. They are weaker, but they have more of a foothold here

yha, i know, but, just how hard? what should i expect to get in my way?

Never been done before. Could be possible, but hasn’t been done yet to the best of my knowledge.[quote=“dominus, post:13, topic:19550”]
what should i expect to get in my way?

Same guys who don’t want the Archdemons here.

ok, interesting, can you tell me more?

We have an entire thread on this. There are beings who don’t want humans to gain power, who want things to continue exactly as they are, because they are currently in charge and they like it that way.

alright. can you point me to the thread?

thank you. ill definitely read this.


also if anyone else wants to say something please do.

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And what beings would they be? Are they human? Angelic? Zetians? Klingon?

Source contans both darkness and light, it is complete.

Read this for more into:

I completely disagree with this based on my experience, fwiw. Earth is controlled by mankind; what we give the most focus and faith to affects our co-creation of reality. For most people, regardless, this is some degree of love, and some degree of light in terms of hope and wanting a better future.

In Introduction to Magic by the UR Group is discussed a “law of the entities”.
During ascension, but also for magic in itself, in order to win opposition is required to get a greater “intensity” in comparison to those entities, on their same level. It’s also written that the individual must “dominate or be dominated”.