How duke sallos, prince Amon have helped me out

So far I’m new to all this and I’m learning and growing from there I asked sallos and Amon to help me get my ex back. She moved back in with her mom took our cats and when I tried to call her, her mom took her phone and blocked me. My ex fiancé said she loves me and I wasn’t the man for her and she’ll never talk to me again. I was at my lowest point in life because after 4 years she left me. After asking for their help she unblocked 2-3 days later and were talking again. She’s hesitant and scared to get back together because she’s scared. Prince Amon has helped with us communicating again. And I’ve asked Duke sallos for guidance and helping her fall back in love with me. I didn’t feel a presence when taking to duke sallos. I’ve been meditating with his enn and asking for help and praising their work so far. Anything I can do to help them or offer them throughout this process. I’m still learning and growing and doing research on them and just want to dive deeper and learn more.


good to hear abt the progress.

Are you still having an issue? If she’s still scared, you can ask Phul, the Olympic Spirit of the Moon, to remove her fear, that should solve that.

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Ok thanks you lol at this point she’s kinda done and blocked me completely she just doesn’t want to see, deal with me anymore so I’m still trying to cope with that

how do you summon or evoke two entities??

The same way you would evoke one entity.