How does Satan behave and apears?

Me personally what I feel is that Satan is his own being. He is a very fiery spirit but more so on the primordial sense. Basically for me I feel his energy is similar to the energy of the core of many planets. He is old and wise yet he tends to display a lot of youth (possibly just an aspect of Fire energy) He can be serious but for me he acts more like a father figure to me. Very much loving but yet he has this side to him that likes to play and be some what mischief. But don’t let this fool you. He is very much serious on pacts and oaths that people make. He may even test you first to see if you truly mean your word before accepting.
I had a dream years ago about me doing this. I made a pact with him and I remember him walking and asking questions like “And how do I know that you will up hold your end??” It’s a bit complicated for me to explain right now but I understood where he was coming from.
I have redid my pact with him and many others as a form of self dedication and when I did so I felt relieved and happy. I believe I felt him come to me once into my room and his energy is very very strong. It’s one those that it be very hard to get it mixed up. As of appears well it’s Satan lol Like other spirits he can appear as many things depending on the message or what he or you find attractive:3


Interesting, I have never heard of Satanael before! By Satan I thought people were referring to Shahtan, a demon king.

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Shaitan is often linked to Azazel and the djinn, atleast after the djinn were converted from nature spirits to devils. Satanael is linked in the second book of Enoch as one of the Grigori who fell and became known as Satan. However, later on Samael took on the title as Satan.

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The spirits can show up in all sorts of ways, and while Satan (I call the spirit Shahtan) has never appeared like that to me, maybe that’s how he appears to you sometimes. Many of the signs and synchronicities that spirits use to signal their presence to me are completely unique to me and based on my personal experiences and associations, and it will be the same with you.

Now that I think about it, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Shahtan appear in a visible form. My experiences summoning the Demon King have been more akin to a “possession” experience, with the energy manifesting in a very tangible way that I could feel in my body, and with the demon speaking through me in a voice that was very different from how I normally speak.