How does having an intercourse with a tulpa be like is it more hyper real than the physical?

I wonder if how does it felt to have an intercourse with a servitor in the astral ?

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Tulpas are not servitors in the astral. They are manifest and like physical being with free will. I realise there’s Discourse servers all about larping with “servitors” but they have the wrong and of the stick and have not looed up the origin of the term.

Look up account of members having sex with an energy being, usually a succubus so include the term “succubus” or “incubus” in your search keywords.

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How about having sexual intercourse with the servitors do you think it’s possible if I directly went into the astral ?

You can have sex with servitors just like you would any other spirit on the astral plane. It would depend on how they are programmed whether they’d even consider it though.

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Yes, as noted above.

You can create servitors just for this purpose and that look how you want.

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Know the difference between a Servitor and Tulpa.

  • The more “life force energy” a construct feeds upon, the more int Evolves and gains sentience, and then personal freedom.

  • Quality of Energy also matters. Consider secondary forms of energy being mixed in…i.e. what type of impure source did it come from? Sexual energy coming from a more “wholesome” environment is not the same thing as sexual energy from say a Club/Brothel, etc.

  • These “Qualities of Energy” contribute to the type of consciousness it will gain, and at some point it will develop into a more full fledged life form.

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