How does a person with no will or power effectively bind others?

However, the question really is how does a person with zero will/power bind another person? Obviously the group is out of line with reality it would seem.

I came to the conclusion opposite of scientology and religion, that most people are not fundamentally good, they are fundamentally evil. Goodness is apparently the lesson most people have missed. Sure there are good ones here and there.
I am speaking of my local group of tormentors, not blasting the entire race of humans.

Put bluntly: they don’t. They passively allow the will of others to influence their worldview, instead of allowing their worldview to influence others.

One needs to step into their own power before they can grasp the influencing of others. No demon, genius spirit, angel, or other entity is strong enough to do this if the operator lacks the wind to fill the sails.

There is no such thing IMO. A handful of people might consider themselves such, as some warped mark of pride, but if so, they are likely mentally damaged and should be avoided at all costs. By this I mean those with personality disorders like narcissism or extreme sociopathic/antisocial behavioural traits.


Now I don’t go to collage in the US so there might be a bit of a cultural diffrence in some aspects, however others are still spot-on as there are certain elements that are the same that deals with how humans work.

For many people collage is a first array out in the real world and for people who feel entinteld to behave as they wish will behave in their worst way as they have until now lived in a shelterd enviroment. Wich would be even more true in an enviroment where you have to pay for your education.

Humans are not good or bad but rather flawed. We have the preception that something in inheratly wrong or right wich simply is not true. Your tormentors might be assholes to you but the might be good at rasing money for chairties or something else.

Try to focus less on binding/controlling others and instead maximise your focus on things you truly desire. This obsession with controlling others and not understanding ourselves has a tendency to tie us up in knots and take us down the long route home (we’ll get there eventually) instead of the much shorter way.

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I found the Bardon exercise, its called the Black and White mirror; and there is also the brutal inventory you do before.
Excellent, excellent.

As far as control goes, I have no desire to be dominated by people, especially people I don’t know.
Especially people that find every opportunity to piss me off for their amusement, and my life is not a joke or game.

My suggestion is that you pick a grimoire and dedicate yourself to the practice of its magick, at least for a time.

You can definitely get results with a buffet approach to magick, little bit of this, little bit of that, but if you immerse yourself in their energy, spirits will be able to go much deeper with you and teach you what they have to teach. Make a pact. Do a pathworking. You don’t need to mark your calendar with all the energy work you plan on maybe perhaps possibly considering doing. Pick a system and work the system. It is in the practice of magick where the greatest secrets are laid bare.

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Okay, so besides daily repetitionof declaring the Bornless Ritual and Invocation of Thoth, for say two months before any working manifests, outside of Chaos Magick, will this do the trick to kickstart your individual will?
Or do we need to resort to rubber band snapping and flogging etc? I think Id asked this sort of question before come to think of it.
Or behavioral psychology, to reward manifested outcomes and deny all else, to make the subconscious strive its utmost to manifest any suggestion?

Or, perhaps I just need to just work and let it happen if it will, a path of least resistance and no lust for results.

Here is another approach to formulating willpower (I know the same book this is found in has notes on improving will and subtle bodies.

Off to do visualization exercises, hunt for jobs, reply to job responses, call HAWC for housing money help due to COVID, do some meditation and candle, will and art work.

I just read the first paragraph of the Bornless Ritual.
This is a ritual to invoke the Higher Genius, and creates will in the reciting of it. On daily use of this ritual, quite a bit of will will follow assuredly.
However, this should be given to the Minerals/Neophyte, but it is too involved and non beginner friendly.
Subjective synthesis, a clue to the cause and results.



Temple arranged with Banners of East and West, Four Enochian Tablets, with a Tablet of Union on altar with the elements arranged over it. Cross and triangle in centre. The whole ritual to be performed either with the Hierophant’s Sceptre or Lotus Wand.Z. A. M. to be clothed in white, wearing yellow slippers, white sash and consecrated Rose Cross.

Standing West of Altar, face East, and cry:

“Hekas Hekas Este Babeloi!”

Purify the Temple with Water as in the 0=0 Grade,
Consecrate the Temple with Fire, saying appropriate versicles.
Holding Lotus Wand by White band, circumambulate Temple three times. Standing West of Altar, face East for Adoration:
“Holy art Thou Lord of the Universe.
Holy art Thou Whom Nature hath not formed.
Holy art Thou the Vast and the Mighty One.
Lord of the Light and of the Darkness.”

Still facing East, perform the Qabalistic Cross, formulating Kether very strongly above one’s head, equilibriating it in the form of a cross. Then, aspiring to the higher Genius, say:

"Thee I invoke the Bornless One.
Thee that didst create the Earth and the Heavens.
Thee that didst create the Night and the Day.
Thee that didst create the .Darknessand the Light.
Thou art Osorronophris, whom no man hath seen at any time. Thou art Iabas. Thou art iapos.

Thou hast distinguished between the Just and the Unjust.
<260> Thou didst make the female and the male.
Thou didst produce the Seed and the fruit.
Thou didst form men to love one another and to hate one another.
I am (here insert sacramental name and Grade) of the Order of the R.R. et A.C., thy Prophet unto whom Thou didst commit Thy Mysteries, the ceremonies of the Magic of Light. Thou didst produce the moist and the dry and that which nourisheth all created things. Hear me Thou. For I am the Angel of PaphroOsorronophris.This is Thy true Name, handed down to the Prophets of the Sun.

Pause a while toformulate about you the Banner of the East. Then make Rose Cross over Altar, vibrating Yhshvh by the Formula of the Middle Pillar. Still facing East, but expanding the astral form to the limit of one’s power, say:

The Bornless Ritual 443

The Voice of my Higher Self said unto me, "Let me enter the Path of Dark ness, and peradventure there shall I find the Light. I am the only being in an Abyss of Darkness; from an Abyss of Darkness came I forth ere my birth, from the silence of a Primal Sleep. And the Voice of Ages answered unto my Soul: “I am He who formulates in Darkness, the Light that shineth in Dark- ness, yet the Darkness comprehendeth it not.”

Pass by North to the East of Temple. Face quarter, and trace the Spirit Pen- tagram of Actives and Invoking Pentagram of Air using names as in theSup- reme Ritual of Pentagram. At the same time, imagine yourself clothed with the colossal form of fhe God Aroueris, and that the words of the Invocation travel out infinitely to the ends of the quarter. Also imagine that the elements evoked by the pentagrams surge through the God-form, eliminating all impurities.

“Hear me: Ar; Thiao; Rheibet; Atheleberseth; A; Blatha; Abeu; Ebeu; Phi; Thitasoe; Ib; Thiao. Hear me, and make all Spirits subject unto me, <261> so that every Spirit of the Firmament and of the Ether, upon the Earth and under the Earth, on dry land and in the Water, of Whirling Air, and of Rushing Fire, and every Spell and Scourge of God the Vast One may be obedient unto me.”

Make one complete circumambulation deosil, to formulate the Angle of Kether in the Supernal Triangle of the Genius.Pass to the South, assume the astral God-form of Horns, and that as the invocation proceeds the Fire purges you of all blemish. Use Spirit Pentagram of Actives and lnvoking Pentagram of Fire.

“I invoke Thee, the Terrible and Invisible God Who dwellest in the void place of the Spirit. Aragogorobrao. Sothou. Modorio. Phalarthao. Doo. Ape. The Bornless One. Hear me and make all Spirits subject unto me, so that every Spirit of the firmament and of the Ether, upon the Earth and under the Earth, on dry land and in the Water, of Whirling Air and of Rushing Fire, and every spell and scourge of God may be made obedient unto me.”

Make one complete circumambulation to formulate the Angle of Chokmah. Pass to West, assume form of the Goddess Isis, and imagine after invocation that the element flows in waves through you. Make Passive Pentagram of Spirit and lnvoking Pentagram of Water.

“Hear me: Roubriao. Mariodam. Balbnabaoth.Assalonai. Aphnaio. Thoteth. Abrasarx. Aeoou. Ischure, Mighty and Bornless One.
Hear me, and make all spirits subject unto me, so that every Spirit of the firmament and of the Ether, upon the Earth and under the Earth, on dry land and in the Water, of Whirling Air, and of Rushing Fire, and every spell and scourge of God may be made obedient unto me.”

Circumambulate again, forming the Binah angle. Pass to North, assume
Godform of Nephthys, and after invocation imagine that the Earth cleanses you. Make passive Pentagram of Spirit, and Invoking Pentagram of Earth.

“I invoke Thee. Ma. Barraio. Ioel. Kotha. Athorebalo. Abraoth. Hear me, and make all spirits subject unto me, so that every spirit of the firmament and of the Ether, upon the Earth and under the Earth, on dry land and in the Water, of Whirling Air,and of Rushing Fire, and every spell and scourge of God may be made obedient unto me.”

Go direct to East without circumambulation. Perform Qabalistic Cross.

“Atoh, Malkuth, veGeburah, veGedulah, leOlam, Amen. Before me Raphael, Behind me Gabriel, on my Right Hand Michael, on my left hand Auriel. Before me flames the Pentagram, and behind me shines the six rayed Star. Atoh, Malkuth, ve Geburah, ve Gedulah, le Olahrn, Amen.”

Pass to the West of Altar, and face East. Imagine yourself as clothed in the Godform of Thoth. Make the Sign of the Rending of the Veil, and use the Exhortation of the Portal:

“Ol Sonuf Vaorsagi Goho Iad Balata. Elexarpeh. Comananu. Tabitom. Zodacara Eka Zodacare Od Zodameranu. Odo Kikale Qaa, Piape Piamoel Od Vaoanu.”

Make the lnvoking Pentagram of Spirit Active over the Altar, vibrating:

“Exarp, Bitom, and Eheieh”, and say:

“Hear me: Aoth. Abaoth. Basum. Isak. Sabaoth. Isa! This is the Lord of the Gods. This is the Lord of the Universe. This is He whom the Winds Fear. This is He, who having made voice by his commandment is Lord of all things, King, Ruler and Helper.
Hear me, and make all spirits subject unto me, so that every spirit of the Fir- mament and of the Ether, upon the Earth and under the Earth, on dry land, and in the Water, of Whirling Air, and of Rushing Fire, and every
spell and scourge of God may be made obedient unto me.”

Pass to the East. Pause, then make the Passive Spirit Pentagram, with Hcoma, Nanta, and Agla. While vibrating the following words, let the Z.A.M. imagine that, standing between the Pillars, he is formulated as a black Egg of Akasa, and that from the dark centre of that Egg, its Tiphareth, extends upwards into the heights an astral semblance of his Wand. As each word is vibrated Let this Sceptre shoot higher and higher towards the Kether of theUniverse. The conception should be of the formation of an astral Middle Pillar, down the centre of which the Divine White Brilliance may descend.

“Hear me, Ieou. Pur. IOU Pur. Iaeo. Ioou. Abrasar. Sabriam. Do. Uu. Adonai. Ede. Edu. Angelos Ton Theon. Anlala Lai. Gaia. Ape. Diathana Thorun.”

Above the Lotus of the Sceptre, the Z.A.M. should now see the Divine White Brilliance clearly, formulated as a flashing angelic figure descending upon the black egg. Say:

“He comes in the Power of the Light. He comes in the Light of Wisdom. He comes in the Mercy of the Light. The Light hath healing in its wings.”

Aspring, and imagining the while that the Flower at the top of the Wand grows and opens wider that the Genius may enter, make LVX Signs in Silence, and say very slowly:

"I am the Resurrection and the Life. He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me, shall never die. I am the First and I am the Last. I am He that liveth and was dead, and behold, I am alive for evermore, and hold the Keys of Hell and of Death. For I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day

The Golden Dawn: Volume 1 Book Six
The Bornless Ritual 445

upon the Earth. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man com-
eth unto the Father but by Me. I am the Purified. I have passed through the Gates of Darkness unto Light. I have fought upon Earth for good, and have now finished my work. I have entered into the invisible.
I am the Sun in his rising, passed through the hour of cloud and of night. I am Amoun, the concealed one, the Opener of the Day. I am Osiris Onnophris, the Justified One, Lord of Life triumphant over death. There is no part of me that is not of the gods. I am the preparer of the Pathway, the Rescuer unto the Light."

Now let the Z.A.M.formulate the descent of the Light into the Flower. Then

pause, and say this prayer:

“Unto Thee,
Sole Wise, Sole Mighty, and Sole Eternal One, be praise and glory forever,
who hath permitted me, who now kneeleth humbly before Thee, to penetrate thus far into the Sanctuary of Thy Mysteries.
Not unto me, but unto Thy Name be the Glory.
Let the influence of Thy Divine Ones descend upon my head, and teach me the value of self-sacrifice, so that I shrink not in the hour of trial, but that my name may be written on high, and that my Genius may stand in the presence of the Holy Ones, in that hour, when the Son of man is invoked before the Lord of Spirits, and his Name in the presence of the Ancient of Days.”

After this prayer, circumambulate three times, and then formulate the flashing descent of the Supernal Light down the Astral shaft into the Tiphareth centre, and that the Black Egg surrounding the ZA.M. gradually becomes illumined, until it changes into white.

“Out of the Darkness, let that Light arise. Before I was blind, but now I see. I am the Dweller in the Invisible, the Reconciler with the Ineffable.”

Let the Z.A.M. make the L.V.X Signs as described in the Rose Cross Ritual, so that as he makes, finally, the X Sign, he calls down the Light.
Let the White Brilliance of the Divine Spirit Descend.
When the Z.A.M. has felt the Brilliance, and perceived the radiance of the Egg, let him withdraw the Shaft into his heart, and say:

“I am He, the Bornless Spirit, having Sight in the Feet, Strong, and the Irnmortal Fire.
I am He, the Truth.
I am He who Hate that Evil should be wrought in the world.
I am He that Lighteneth and thundereth.
I am He from whom is the shower of the Life of Earth.
I am He, whose mouth ever flameth.
I am he, the Begetter and Manifester unto the Light.
I am He, the Grace of the World.
The Heart Girt with a Serpent is my Name.
Come Thou forth and follow me and make all spirits subject unto me, so that every spirit of the firmament and of the Ether, upon the Earth and under the Earth, on dry land, and in the Water of whirling Air, and of rushing Fire, and every spell and scourge of God the Vast One, may be made obedient unto me. IAO. Sabaoth. Such are the Words.”

After contemplating that glory for some while go to West of Altar and face East.

“Be my mind open to the Higher.
Be my heart a centre of the Light.
Be my body a Temple of the Rose Cross.”

Then banish by Pentagram Ritual or:
“In the name of Yhshvh, I now set free any spirits that may have been imprisoned by this ceremony.”


All typos corrected as far as I know. Do know that there is a difference between this version from “The Golden Dawn” by Israel Regard, versus the Golden Dawn Audiotapes version in the first part before invocation of the first element. Probably different from the OTO/AA version, or the Headless Rite for sure. The Headless Rite can be found in the book Abrasax.

So basically to use this ritual, you do it the best you can according to knowledge and ability and perseverance, or you backtrack all subjective synthesis, and construct an entirely full and complete ritual.

It seems to me to be the best approach, to create Words of Power that are essentially a nickname for a pre executed ritual, to fill in the gaps in rituals such as this. Or do the entire complete ritual.