How Do You Define 'Ascent'? What Does The Left-Hand Path Mean To You?

Hi guys,

Since it’s the new year and all, and I’m sure many of us are currently reviewing spiritual and mundane goals, I figured this might be a good time to discuss the issue of ascent; what exactly is ‘ascent’? How do you interpret this word? What does the left-hand path mean to you? How do you interpret the phrase ‘becoming godlike’?

This is a subject that I have been pondering very deeply of late. I have come to the conclusion that these ideas mean different things to different people. So, I was thinking it would be useful to start a thread where we can compare and discuss our own personal interpretations of this. In other words, what I’m interested in is- what exactly, in practical terms, are your spiritual goals as a black magician? What is your ultimate goal as a practitioner on the left-hand path, and how would you say this end goal differs from that of the right-hand path?

I’ll begin by summarizing my own goals:

  1. The use of magick and esoteric knowledge, to make my life (the here and now, in this body, on this plane), as enjoyable as possible. I believe that through the use of magick and occult techniques, it is possible to achieve everything that I want in life- I want to experience only that which I desire. I want to be the captain of my own life so to speak. I believe that this goal is shared, at least to some degree, by almost everyone on this forum.

  2. In addition to using occult knowledge to improve the quality of my life on the physical plane, I wish to use occult techniques to gain some sort of transcendence (still within this lifetime though, and in this body) Basically, I believe that there is more to existence than what we as human beings currently experience. I believe that on other planes, consciousness may be more evolved and that the experience in these realms is somehow more blissful/more profound than our limited experience on the physical plane. This is a goal that I realize is not necessarily shared by others on this forum, and I know that many people do not share this view of the physical plane.

  3. The search for truth. My third goal is to try to make sense of life/existence. I have always been interested in the whys and hows, the deeper questions in life. I believe that science can only go so far (at the moment at least) in answering these questions. In my opinion, currently only esoteric wisdom holds the keys to these answers.

Right, so those are my personal goals. Now on to the question of why I consider myself a ‘black magician’ and how I define the Left-hand path. Personally, I believe that the issue of morality is central to this question. The way I see it is if you as an individual refuse to submit or align to an external moral code, then you are likely a black magician. In other words, I live by my own rules, and decide for myself what is right and wrong. The implication of this is that, for example, I have no moral issue with baneful magick, something that a wiccan for example, would never condone.

Obviously there is more to the LHP than just the question of morals, but this is where things get a bit murkier. The way I see it is that the essence of the LHP is the ‘self’- the LHP embodies selfishness (but not in the way people generally use this term) and individuality. The LHP, in my opinion, is about non-conformity and elevating the self thus, ascent and becoming ‘godlike’.

Now, the other common definition of the LHP, and one that I know many people on balg subscribe to, is the view of the LHP as the path of ‘non-merger’ (with source). Now, I admit, this definition confuses me somewhat, and I’m trying to get a clearer understanding of what this really means, in everyday terms. This view is best summed up by Stephen Flowers in his book ‘The Lords of The Left Hand Path’. His definition has been quoted many times on here, but I will quote it again anyway:

“Essentially, the left-hand path is the path of nonunion with the objective universe. It is the way of isolating consciousness within the subjective universe and, in a state of self-imposed psychic solitude, refining the soul or psyche to ever more perfect levels. The objective universe is then made to harmonize itself with the will of the individual psyche instead of the other way around. When the right-hand path is theocentric, the left-hand path is psychecentric, or soul/self-centered. Those within the left-hand path may argue over the nature of this self/ego/soul, but the idea that the individual is the epicenter of the path itself seems undisputed. An eternal separation of the individual intelligence from the objective universe is sought in the left-hand-path. This amounts to an immortality of the independent self-consciousness moving within the objective universe and interacting with it at will.’

This is contrasted with his definition of the RHP, which is:

“The right-hand path is the path of union with universal reality (God or Nature). When the union is complete the individual self will be annihilated; the individual will become one with the divine or natural order. In this state the ego is destroyed as ‘heaven’ is entered or a nirvana-like existence/non-existence is ‘attained’. This is clearly the goal of all orthodox Judaic, Christian, Islamic, or Buddhistic sects.”

So as I’ve mentioned, I am slightly confused by this definition. The part about the LHP being psychecentric, and the universe being made to harmonize itself with the will of the individual psyche- yeah I get that, that’s pretty self-explanatory and aligns with my own views on the LHP (as described above). However, I don’t understand exactly what is meant by the ‘eternal separation’. Just how literally does Flowers actually mean this? Is the phrase ‘eternal separation’ used hyperbolically, or is he talking about the attainment of some sort of literal, eternal, individuated existence, after death? This may seem daft, but this question has been bugging me for ages now.

As some of you may know, Lady Eva has recently been posting about her contact with Varnaxis., who was a black magician during his lifetime, and now exists in a demonic state that sounds a lot like the eternal separation that Flowers describes in his definition. Lady Eva channeled Varnaxis last week and I asked him about his current state of existence. This was his reply, in case some of you haven’t read that thread:

[i]‘It means that I spitballed and worked together enough self-will and determination to remain intact as a persona past the gates of death - the ULTIMATE trauma, the final wounds - and carried my entirety direct into an existence not bound by physical laws.

This means what my Eva would call “no space, no time” and therefore, close to omnipresent where the point of consciousness is called.

It is sublime. Most die like rabbits, and are reborn willy-nilly.’[/i]

Now personally, I don’t know if this is something that appeals to me, at least at this point. Within, this lifetime, yes, absolutely. I am after as much power and freedom and independence as possible in this lifetime. However, I don’t feel I am anywhere near ready to be making any major decisions regarding the ultimate destiny of my soul/consciousness, and doubt I will be for many lifetimes to come. Eternity, is a really long time, after all, and in all honesty it’s a concept that’s scares the hell out of me. But then again, I realize that I’m thinking about this in very human terms, and that time does not exist the way we perceive it. I think that’s what Varnaxis was getting at when he said he exists in a state of ‘no space, no time’?

Anyway, to sum up, I want to have the best experience while on this planet, in this particular incarnation, as possible. I believe that using occult techniques is the way to achieve this. I want power, freedom, independence, and also- I want to go beyond the normal human experience. I want to experience the very best that existence has to offer. What about after death? Well, I’m not making any decisions about that just yet. For me, this issue is ‘on hold’ for the time being, and in the meantime I hope to gain as much knowledge as possible.

What about you guys? :slight_smile:

To me, the Left Hand Path means bringing down God’s ego into yourself, and becoming an actor in a play, with real powers. Its about bringing the light of heaven into yourself, not the fulfillment of material desires, that comes after you call down the light.

Further more, once you’ve crossed over to the Other Side, of having the Spark Fully Embedded in the Flesh, you can than perceive divinity in the substance of the illusion, that by definition is Tantra, the original meaning of the term Left Hand Path.

Well ascension for me would mean leaving all restrictions such as doubt, fear and attachments to let the higher consciousness move graciously upwards and thereby becoming our true selves.

I believe it’s part of our spiritual nurturing to recognise our worth and potential, and to reach a stage of enlightenment where we are able to see the world and beyond, more clearly than before.

We don’t have to let go of the physical to rise, we just need to realise that we don’t really need it but simply choose to have it. This strikes a healthy balance with the ego and stops obsession and slavery to it, but also allows no restrictions in whatever you wish to do or obtain.

The art and practice of Black magic where we not only accept the impossible at times, but delve deep into our core and push our consciousness out further will naturally start to awaken us, and therefore contribute to that spiritual climb.

Well, since you asked, I generally explain the LHP this way:

The world is exactly as it’s meant to be. It’s ugly/beautiful, shitty/wonderful, filled with suffering/joy. You can’t save the world, because it doesn’t need saving. The world is meant to be a crucible. You can either a) get all bogged down with the worlds problems and expend (useless)energy trying to fix it and save everyone, and end up getting purged by the fire, or you can b) realize the world is as it is in order to let the fire strengthen YOU, and only YOU, so that the fire will purify you and you can then move on to whatever our next step is. You cannot drag others along with you. We are all in this together, but alone. The path is an individual path, not a group endeavor. It is up to each individual to attend class, do the homework and pass the exams. Those who do, move on, alone. Those who don’t, get to repeat the process.

I don’t have any opinion on what the ultimate end point for us is, because I have no idea. Is it communion with Divinity irregardless of the path you follow? Does the LHP have a different end point than the RHP? I don’t know, and I don’t know how to know, so I just leave it alone, knowing that at some point, it’ll be revealed.

For me, the LHP is the realization that each of us has to struggle through this alone, in our own way. The world is a testing ground that teaches us the lessons we need to learn and prepares us for what is next.

Thanks for you response Savodonger :slight_smile:

If you don’t mind me asking, what do you believe our true selves to be? This is exactly the kind of thing that I’m interested in.

We don't have to let go of the physical to rise, we just need to realise that we don't really need it but simply choose to have it. This strikes a healthy balance with the ego and stops obsession and slavery to it, but also allows no restrictions in whatever you wish to do or obtain.

When you mention ‘to rise’ do you mean that in the context of this lifetime, or in terms of some sort of higher purpose?

Great explanation about the LHP Chef. I very much agree with your sentiments.

[quote=“chef1964, post:5, topic:6944”]I don’t have any opinion on what the ultimate end point for us is, because I have no idea. Is it communion with Divinity irregardless of the path you follow? Does the LHP have a different end point than the RHP? I don’t know, and I don’t know how to know, so I just leave it alone, knowing that at some point, it’ll be revealed.

For me, the LHP is the realization that each of us has to struggle through this alone, in our own way. The world is a testing ground that teaches us the lessons we need to learn and prepares us for what is next.[/quote]

So it seems you and I are in the same boat in this regard. This is exactly how I feel at the moment- I don’t have the answers yet but trying to learn as much as possible and hoping that at some point, if there is some sort of higher purpose, it will be revealed.

I think our true nature is anything we could possibly imagine as we are capable of using that godlike force which is pure energy and this could be anything as it is sheer potential without form, which can respond to our thoughts to form matter.

It is how we create and how we communicate with spirit for spirit is pure energy, or an extension of our own consciousness in an egregorical sense.

When you mention 'to rise' do you mean that in the context of this lifetime, or in terms of some sort of higher purpose?

I would say both…I have this believe that some do choose to come here (or sent here) for specific reasons and these types tend to already have so much spiritual growth in them.

These are the ones that become great at their chosen paths but also tend to die young. These incredible people seem to come here (or even come back here) and show the world potential, they show the world just what is possible and then pass through that veil again.

I believe that we can learn and ascend in this life and then go on to climb further after death as there are many levels to this. It seems to be the nature of us to progress in a continued form somehow. I really think death is not so much the end, but a transformation or metamorphosis, which clearly suggests, and falls into alignment with the nature of spirit and energy in general.

The world appears to have currents and patterns that tend to follow one another and many signals I’ve picked up on through the years tend to point to these ideas.

Thanks for clarifying.

[quote=“savodonger, post:8, topic:6944”]I believe that we can learn and ascend in this life and then go on to climb further after death as there are many levels to this. It seems to be the nature of us to progress in a continued form somehow. I really think death is not so much the end, but a transformation or metamorphosis, which clearly suggests, and falls into alignment with the nature of spirit and energy in general.

The world appears to have currents and patterns that tend to follow one another and many signals I’ve picked up on through the years tend to point to these ideas.[/quote]

This has been my gut feeling for many years now, that there is more- that the journey continues after death. I hope that at some point in my life I will be able to comprehend this and have an answer to the question ‘what’s next?’. I do feel that process of ascent is somehow linked with the evolution of consciousness, yet how exactly, I don’t know.

To rise to our fullest potentials as human beings. To push past the boundaries of what humans supposedly cannot do, and push past the normal confines that the rest of society adheres to. It’s about not giving into restrictions and limitations. Human bodies are still bound by limitations to a certain degree. I mean, if we start waving our arms erratically we will not begin to lift up off of the ground and fly, those types of limitations we are all bound by.

But I mean not adhering to religious stigma and books telling us if we do A, B, or C we are damned to hell and will be punished and if we don’t do D, E, F we will also be punished, and if after all the psychological programming as adults we believe that yes we can do A, B, and C and not be punished and no we are not required to do D, E And F and we refuse to, not falling victim to those around us calling us insane and trying to shove medications down our throats.

Ascent is not just about rising above the limitations put forth by society, governments, and religions, but rising above the limitations you have convinced yourself since birth (due to constant pushing and convincing by the mundanes) that you have. Proving to yourself that magic is real and that the human mind is not limited to slavery and obedience, and seeing that there is nothing wrong with going agains the majority and trying to claim what has been rightfully yours since birth, and that is true freedom and the use of magick.

We all know that most of society only dimisses magick as fake because they either fear it because of their religious beliefs, or because they know it’s real and know that it works and are afraid that if we all unlock our abilities we will use them to get around the rules and restrictions they have set forth. Ascension is not just moving up the ladder and going from beginner to intermediate, to advanced, and then to master magician. It’s rising above all. Rising above every challenge that comes your way, rising above society, rising above laws and religion, rising above your own limitations and pushing yourself to succeed.

Only when you are able to admit that humans are flawed and that we do have limitations, can you truly start to figure out a way around those limitations. You have to first admit that you are flawed and imperfect but then tell yourself, society says I can never be perfect and religion says that humans are not meant to be perfect because the only thing that is perfect is god, they only tell you that so you will not try to unlock your fullest potential, so you will think that your fullest potential is either not plausible or is a sin because it means you are comparing yourself to Jesus and his father.

It’s about realizing that everyone has the right to become a god in their own way. Obviously we have these abilities so if such powers and gifts were truly not meant to be in the hands of human beings, and if the ultimate creator god really existed, then we never would’ve been born with such abilities, but we were, so unlocking them is not a crime, not a sin, not something to feel afraid of or ashamed over. We were given these abilities for a reason and if religion were true and only god ahould have these powers then by now, that god would’ve shown himself and used his powerful mind mojo to lock our brains so we couldn’t access our powers no matter how hard we try, and that’s not the case at all.

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Well it means many things, but I will not even use the word Ascescion. Rather I will use the term Descescion. There is an understanding in not just understanding the process of Ascending but also Descending. Many want to Ascend. Not me; I prefer to exist in an evolving descended state of Being. LHP is actually more oriented towards descension, even though it has elements of ascescion.

My ideas which are not everything in Descescion is, but to expand on it

  • Mastery over the powers of Bondage.
  • realizing that even a bound form is Free to Evolve and change. One doesnt try to get rid of demons, but rather one transforms ones shadow and so isnt truly bound in the sense that they think a binding is . all things in this world and many worlds encapsulates Mastery over ones form and the form around one.m. which is Mastering the Bindings…hence Bindage…which leads onto alot of other things.

Yeah Ascescion is great and it exists. Thats why churches and new age movements are still in play to send many on a Holy Grail Fools quest…like say on a 747 around the world to preach Jesus’s name so that the sacrifices fills The Head Priests coffers and baskets full of alot of money. I know you didnt mean that with Ascescion, but there is a certain Understanding of the elements to go with ascescion and how they play into descescion. For that reason I will only commit to Descescion and while completely dumping anything associated with the various agendas with Ascescion.

Yep, exactly. This is very much a motivating factor for me. I want more than the average person- I don’t necessarily just mean just the material stuff like money etc, but experiences. I refuse to settle for a mediocre life!

Ascent is not just about rising above the limitations put forth by society, governments, and religions, but rising above the limitations you have convinced yourself since birth (due to constant pushing and convincing by the mundanes) that you have. Proving to yourself that magic is real and that the human mind is not limited to slavery and obedience, and seeing that there is nothing wrong with going agains the majority and trying to claim what has been rightfully yours since birth, and that is true freedom and the use of magick.

Yep, agreed. Inspiring words :slight_smile:

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So would you say that descension is concerned with ‘embracing the material’ so to speak, while ascension involves the quest for higher meaning? Or have i completely misunderstood lol?

To be able to command changes in reality as easily as I can change circumstances in a daydream.

Lots of other stuff about improving myself, but that’s the goal, the end-game for me.

I believe this is possible and believe that on some occasions I have, briefly, been able to do this.

Thanks for your response Lady Eva.

Yes I remember that you often state your goal as ‘commanding the powers of a goddess within your lifetime’, but I know you have also quoted Flowers’ definition of the LHP- how do you personally interpret his definition, if you don’t mind me asking? All that stuff about the eternal separation of the individual consciousness- what do you make of that?

I see it as my consciousness becoming the ruling and defining factor in What Is - perhaps just within MY cosmos, and ideally within a reality that’s shared/somewhat overlapping with beings I feel a harmony with.

In the former ages, we had humans handing their godlike powers to a middle-eastern troll god who had conned them into believing that it was THE god - they adhered to its ethics and rules, feared its wrath, and generally entered into soul-slavery to it, which (since reality will give you what you most believe to be true) gave it power to then dictate a lot of things.

I have no desire to push most other gods out of my reality, such as my lovely Hathor, and many others, nor to try and keep other magicians on this path down, or out of my reality, so in that respect Flowers’ description of isolate consciousness isn’t strictly what i want, but I do with to be the controlling factor in my own sphere, so it’s a bit of an (apparent) paradox.

Thanks for shedding some light on that. It had been bugging me for SO long.

Yeah, the way you have described it makes sense. And I would say that that is pretty much similar to my goal (or one of them). Where we differ then, is my desire for transcendence of the physical.

I feel like I keep repeating myself and that I’m always banging on about these same issues, but it occurred to me that while everyone on here always talks about ascent etc, it is likely that we all mean slightly different things. It’s useful to know how everyone else defines these concepts so that we’re all on the same page on this.

Being that the word “ascent” implies an upward movement, in the context of “ascension to godhood” I translate the word as more of an “expansion” than an ascent; expansion into godhood. I’m not floating off anywhere, but I am expanding. It’s more akin to a “blooming” to me.

As the human organism has evolved from a lower form into what we are now, the collective consciousness that our meat suits collectively play host for is evolving also. What we call the human race will not always be human and will evolve into some new higher life form and so will our consciousness evolve into higher states with inherent new capabilities. This will likely mean new expanded senses we cannot humanly comprehend but will open up an entire new paradigm of sensory experience once this eternally evolving god thing we are all part of morphs into a higher state.

I believe some of us are on the tip of the evolutionary spear and some achieve this status through magick and some through other ways and some are simply born with it. Some of us are a bridge into what our descendants will eventually be, something more than who and what we are now and no longer even human but the next type of life form one rung up the evolutionary ladder. That’s when the race will have outgrown these childish Abrahamic religions and see them as the silly fairy tales that they are, illogical and irrational belief systems belonging to a lower life form from the past.

To use an “ascent” metaphor, those of us on the cutting edge are in the nose of the ascending rocket. The bottom part that burns off as we leave the atmosphere for space has to be dropped behind lest it pull the whole mechanism down. It served its purpose now it must go for us to move forward. That part that must burn away is the Abrahamic triad.

But to me the ascent is a blooming or expanding of consciousness along with a widening of the individual’s sensory spectrum that collectively brings with it new abilities that to the average person seem almost “godlike”.

That’s my UPG, anyhow.

I generally dislike the term ascent. It makes me feel that I am trying to improve myself spiritually or something. My goal is just to prosper monetarily and sexually until I die (which I would prefer would happen sooner rather than later).

I’m really not into definition of magical paths, because the spirits I work with - and have a relationship with - constantly challenge the BALG-definition of “black”, “white” and “grey” magic. Most people who works with the likes of “succubus” and “incubus” share similar confusion with people who work with different kind of spirits and entities.

Who wouldn’t be confused if the spirit or entity you work with, use several “paths” of magic based on the situation thrown at them? I wouldn’t call it “black magic”. I wouldn’t call it “white magic”. Even if it is something in between, “grey magic” doesn’t really fit in to the category either. My spirits just call it “magic”, because sometimes the separation of categories can be limiting. And by limitation of “chosen” paths, our definitions of magic will inevitable be challenged if the spirits or entities doesn’t agree by their own definitions.

Ascension, for me, is the acceptance of the changes internally, by spirit and soul.