How do you curse a “thing”?

I have read a lot about using demons to harm others, or cursing people… but how do you curse something? Like, let’s say, a social media profile of a company. This is just theory, but a conversation I had today made me think about it. Imagine you want for it to fail or for bad things to happen to it, could you petition a demon? And if so, which one? It just sounds weird to me…

The exact same way you curse or cast any spell on any thing or person. Curses aren’t special. You can very well ask a demon for aid. I would recommend Aim, Malphas, or Vine to destroy, or Raum for ruining reputation and even bringing you profit from it.


I’ve been researching Raum for something different, didn’t think about him being able to bring me profit from it but it sounds dope :sweat_smile:

Raum “steals treasures from kings” and “destroys cities and dignities of men” you can combine these potentials to ask if he can bring you the profit of the company while destroying its reputation. Doesn’t hurt to ask, and one should always look deeper than what is said or written. Good luck.


Makes sense, thank you very much!!

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Baneful magic and cursing is incredibly flexible :smirk:

Be adaptive and creative in your workings.


for some reason, I like doing all my magick myself, (doesn’t seem to work otherrwise with me for many reasons) so instead of giving you a demon to do it, I’ll just say as much

Curses are only for vengeance, or less sensible tendencies. Know what you’re doing before you make one. I think they’re stupid, but I can see the appeal considering I practice them occasionally. Best you don’t curse, rather ward and work off all the pain.

if you do, I’ll just say it depends how you do it. You need either intense emotion to throw, or useful power, or some residential helper to actually do any damage. Make an intent. If you want the company to go down, ask yourself why. Boil down the little things you wanna happen and focus on what would make that direct result. With some creativity and a little anger, they’re fucked.

Not me, though :slight_smile:
It’s pretty simple. I don’t use those recipe book spells so I dont have anything like that

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Lot of ways this could be done. @MottledZeitgeist gave a lot of good info.

There are several ways to go about the “how”. My personal workings in things like this involve laying the working. I typically petition one or more entities, follow up with an energy working of my own, and may call on additional things after.

The demon or any other entity can be used for several things. The most important is to do what you’re asking of it. The next could be to get you a more refined target set, who/what to target to be most effective. This could involve them giving you a sigil to use to target that subset. The third could be to help direct your working to be more effective. Maybe your visualized picture or spoken words weren’t theost effective for your intent. They can help with this.

The company’s logo is a great sigil to use. They’ve already spent a lot of time associating it with their company. In this case, when opening it, you may want to open it and then set the focus on a specific part, like Social Media or Board Members. This is to reduce the mental load needed during your working when charging it up. You can then just focus on the rest of the working, however you get that done.

I typically only target groups involving things with children, but this has meant going after corporations at times. That’s the high level of how I went about it.


I hear you and it makes lots of sense. More and more I see that layering the magick, working strategically towards a goal is most of the times the way to go. Thank you for your awesome explanation!

Tbh, my question was more about an idea that I had. Was not really thinking about cursing a company but more about making someone that works there fail. If she’s related to the social media part of it, I wondered if I could curse it so, being her responsibility, she fails. But probably is not the best way to go about it. Social media failing could perfectly not be blamed on her, is not that they are having much success anyway. Maybe using Raum to make her lose her dignities inside of the company would make more sense :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Yeah, probably curses are stupid and I wonder every day if that’s the best way to go about it. I can’t shake the anger and the feeling of having been treated unfairly tho, and sometimes I think about how to get over it with magick (and without it) and sometimes my anger is stronger.

When you say you need useful power or some residential helper, what you mean exactly? Regarding intense emotion, I know exactly what you’re talking about. Weeks ago I had an intense explosion of anger. It was silent, I was just screaming in my head, but I felt the energy. The effects were obvious days later, and they last until today. It was… big. The point is I cannot depend on those moments of intense emotion, as I hardly ever feel anything.

If it’s for killing you could ask Stygal

No, not killing :sweat_smile: I hope I never have enough reasons to want someone dead, but thanks anyway for the suggestion!

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Tried to say resonancial, but residential might be a consideration