How do I stop hindering my progress?

This is something I have been thinking about for the past days. Lately I have stopped practicing magick for awhile, this is a problem I always had.

Even if I truly want to progress and I am intrigued and fascinated by magick, something in my mind stops me.

Are there any techniques to help me stay on track and not stray from my path?


There are a few ways. Ask an entity you trust to keep you to it. What I suggest is a thought form that will bug you to practice magick. Make sure you program in a kill switch or else it can get really annoying ahhaha.


Find a strong enough reason why you want it.
A reason to keep you going when it’s tough and you don’t want to or feel like it.
Strong enough reason will get you to do anything and stick to anything.
Use emotive language and not just a dry list.


I have something similar to this, gives me a figurative head smack if i get lazy with my practice. If it doesnt get my attention the spirits in my life go into butt whoop mode on me if i get to stagnant for too long and make me have to get back into practice.


That’s a bit drastic ain’t it?


You can do that now why do you want to do magick


You could start getting to know beelzebub dude won’t leave me alone when I’m not doing anything. even so far as to make me loose games I play constantly like I’ll get maybe 2 games in then the next thing I know his name appears some where and I loose :upside_down_face:

And I’m not the only one he’s like that too


Good ol’Beelzebu!


You can come up with a challenging magical task and put in work everyday until the desire is met. For example manifesting some material or bringing a change or you could manipulate your mind to like things that you hate, anything interesting.


The worst part is i never called him he was kind of a package deal haha


Are you getting good results when you do practice? If you are then I can’t see any better motivation to keep doing magick. Sounds like you need a “wow, very cool…” moment. When (if) I get unmotivated I usually just take a moment to reflect on the cool shit I am depriving myself of. That generally solves the problem for me.


You don’t have to do it everyday. Pick 2 days a week where you have the most free time and in those two days try and at least do some research on a field on magick you are intrested and also practice the basics, such as meditation & chakra work. That way you have at least 2 days you doing something related to the path.


What’s is it that stops you? If YOU, your conscious self wants to move forward but there is “something” that stops you, it I see almost certainly your shadow side. An unexamined shadow acts mostly out of fear. It is important to identify the fear and logic your way through it.

Fear of success? Many people have that in every avenue of life. Success means change and change is scary and unknown, even if it’s just subconsciously.
Magick can’t also be a lot of hard work. Perhaps you have a fear of investing/losing your time?
Fear of failure or not being good enough? This fear always stops be from trying as I am a perfectionist.
This next fear I am having a hard time putting a name on. It’s about being in control and responsible for one’s own life. Sometimes it’s fun to just go along for the ride :slight_smile:


What you could do is to make a daily reports and send them to someone who you trust. It can be a small extra push with big effects.


It sure as hell would work ahahah

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Not responsible for your own life now?

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Part of the lesson with this path we walk is learning self discipline. If you want something then you must overcome your own habits and propensity to be lazy. Habits are hard to break. It is part of what you must do to ascend and grow as a magician/god. You can do rituals to empower yourself. You can make a pact with someone to kick you in the ass and always be ON your ass to force you to do what you claim you want to do, to help you become what you want to become. Yes. It is true. But in the end it is your body, and your choice.

If it is something you want then you pursue it and you DO it. You can not take the “easy way out” and get someone to do it FOR you. Really. If you lack the self discipline to do the work do you really deserve the benefits that come form it? You can banish your lazy tendencies. Or the procrastination in your personality. You can make a schedule and stick to it. The difference between someone who does something as a hobby and an Olympic athlete is the one in the Olympics makes themselves got out there in the cold and dark, and stick to the schedule every day whether the body wants to rest or not. The one who just does it as a hobby is the one blown about by the winds of their emotions and “waits for desire.” You have to make yourself do it whether you feel like it or not.

Action comes before the feelings change. Most people think they have to wait on the feeling and when the feeling comes then they will do it. No. It is action first and feelings follow. Of course we all need a break and do take them. But after a day or two break make yourself get back to the routine. Only you can do it. If you can not conquer you, how can you conquer any battle?


Lol. The illusion that hard work will get you everything. This is the “moral” crap they feed you. If you do not believe me, look at the world around you of the working class vs the Upper Class/Uber Wealthy.

Yes some of them did hard work, but some of them it was handed to them from prior generations of hard workers. And then some of them they did some dirty deeds to get the goodies.

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Oops, I see I didn’t phrase that last bit very well, I had just woken up.
I meant that sometimes people want to give up control of their life, believe in things like destiny and karma. It’s scary to take control and responsibility. To know that every thought is powerful and that you are the puppetmaster of your own show. To be god can be a daunting personal responsibility for some/sometimes.
There have been times in my life where I found it exhausting and have given up control to allow the waves of life to crash over me and carry me where they may. I became a passenger instead of the captain. Sometimes it is a needed break.


I take a different look at karma. Everyone has a “High Path” and a low path. Everyone is born with karmic energies pushing them. The low path is the default energies that will manifest. The high path is what could potentially manifest if work is done to physically manifest it. Thus in the high path one draws the energies down to the lowest levels to Recreate the Low Path.

That’s why I’m not interested in all those new age white light crap (look at me I’m a white hot angel). In my version one makes magick more physical, not less.