How do I get started on pathworking and what to expect help I’m clueless

How do I get started on pathworking and what to expect help I’m clueless

Say I wanted to work on vk jehennums self qlipothic initiation or some other kind of rite what do I do do I just say the Chants or whatever but then what am I supposed to expect I feel I’m missing a lot I’m clueless

Yes, they are sequences of chants each one to be repeated a certain number of times or, in some cases, it is specified to say it (or to do the entire ritual) only once.
About a self initiation, the result is an advancement on the related path which implies for example more attunement to its influence, spirits etc.

Should I expect a feeling of energy or presence of a entity or like what are the side affects of saying these chants and do I just say them or should I make some sort of offering aswell

When I do simple meditations, gaze at sigils of Spirits or say invocations, I feel an alteration of consciousness or a sort of force inside me.
Perhaps you’ll perceive “something” as well but in any case, if there isn’t the indication to do only one repetition, you may do others more. About offerings, it’s possible to verbally “give” (and then light) a candle or incense to the entity involved or for each one of them.

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Thank you that answered quite a few questions

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