How Do I disconnect

Okay, I don’t want to disconnect like completely… but like idk.
To get to the point… thing is… What happens to my body in the astral realm ends up affecting my physical body here… and it’s really annoying me.
Any help? Am I the only one experiencing this?
I desperately need a solution… :smiley_cat:


How long ago did this happen? Not being funny but did you shower afterwards? I ask this because I was concerned about spiritual residue and I was told to take a long shower to wash any possible residues away.

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I have a feeling that my etheric layer has been attacked or vampirized. Of course, it would be kind of cool to be able to AP to see the truth of it before my physical layer becomes deceased.

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Grounding, either use onyx, jet or heamatite to ground magickal energy. Also do something human like eat or drink after rituals ect.


Heavy physical grounding seems to help alot,least for me kinda hard to do outside with the cold but it works. Direct contact with the earth has a rebalancing effect, especially when tied together with energy work to connect to it. Been doin it this way for years.


It’s been happening whenever I go there, which has basically been almost daily these days… but even before that when I was not good at astral projection, it used to happen…
I shower daily, sometimes 2 times a day… I don’t keep track of such things so no idea…


Sometimes I get attacked so badly there, and it hurts so much… I can feel the pain as though it was physical… it has gotten really bad

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OK. I’m sorry my experience with this subject is very limited. I hope you find the answers you are looking for. Be strong you will get through this.

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Would you please suggest a method? It’s getting really too much for me to handle…

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Thank you :hearts:

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You are very welcome.

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One thing I’ve heard is to armor and arm yourself, like think sword in hand, and wahlah, a sword is in your hand.


Okay so you are gonna wanna sit on bare earth if you can. Get yourself into a light trance and see roots extending from your legs digging down connecting to the core of the earth.

Once you feel the connection breathe in and see the energies of the earth flow up these roots with your inhalation. Hold the breath for a few seconds 10-15 is enough. As you breathe out see your tired,sore and expended energies flow into the earth. Repeat this cycle of energy for 5-10 mins for starters.

As simple as the meditation is its effects are pretty potent. If you are doing any invocation work you may wanna stick to 10minutes at a day. As i said it has a rebalancing effect. Which could undo any alchemical work you are doing if your body hasnt assimilated the energy as part of its normal state.

Sorry for the delay, still working so posts are a tad slow.

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It’s okay :slight_smile:
I appreciate that you took your time and are trying to help me. I will definitely try this meditation. :slight_smile: