How do Abrahamic RHP practitioners deal with other divinities?

There are so many RHP and LHP practitioners who belong to Abrahamic faiths. Many invoce gods and godesses from various pantheons and traditions in their workings.

So the question is: How do you fit that in to your theology, system or philosophy?

P.S. Obviously I’m not interested in the exclusivist view. So if you personally don’t think it’s possible to mix then just move along.

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I’m not a fan of the “Vikings” show, but in the one of the first episodes, Ragnar says something that describes how it was for me: that in the west, there is a new god. Later that god became for me so important that I made the other gods fit into his structure, just like Aleister Crowley and Israel Rigardie did before me.

@anon10524665 I feel would have a response for this.


First of all, I work with YHVH, but I don’t consider myself a christian.
However, YHVH is a god. Not the god, but a god among many. He can be the god for you though.

Now, you can have a relationship with entities without worshipping them. You can befriend them, work with them, ask them for help, whatever. No need for worship.
So that’s how I work with YHVH who is like a father figure for me, but I don’t worship.

If you do worship YHVH however, who says you cannot work with other spirits? As I said, there’s no need for worship in a work relationship. It would be no contradiction to you worshipping YHVH.

The dogma around him does not necessarily apply to reality.




I love this! Good insight. :blush:

I also love my relationship with my Egpytian Goddess, too. She’s lovely. :crown::blush:

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This is where the original concept of godforms comes from. If you read material from the likes of Israel Regardie, Aleister Crowley, and the Golden Dawn, they use the word to refer to any small-g gods that are not The One True God ™ aka the Eternal Source.

Meaning that the gods from other pantheons were seen as aspects of the capital-G God, in much the same way as angels are.

For example, the Assumption of Godforms is a technique where you choose a god from whatever pantheon (The Golden Dawn and Thelema use mostly Greek and Egyptian deities) and take on its character traits by invoking it through word and gesture.

A modern version of the Assumption of Godforms could possibly be the technique of standing in what is referred to as Wonder Woman Pose (though no one would ever refer to it as an Assumption of Godforms. It’s used in psychology!) where you stand with legs hip width apart and hands on the hips, like the heroine is often depicted as standing, in order to to take on the traits of confidence and self assuredness.

NOTE: The way the term “godform” is used by people on this forum, referring to a deity that one is an aspect of, is not the most widely known, or accepted, definition. In fact, it doesn’t seem to be used in the same way by anyone outside of this small group,


I’m grateful for the contributions on the topic.

I am especially intrigued in how you isolate YHVH from the tradition/paradigm of origen @anon10524665
As interesting as these points of view are the topic at hand is how Christians, Muslims and Hebrews who also practice either the LHP/RH include other deities in their work.

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As I said, you don’t need to worship other deities for including them in your work.
Also, what does it mean to be a christian, or muslim? There is no common sense on that.
Orthodox christians wouldn’t consider lutheran christians to be real christians, and there are endless examples for dynamics like that.
So what does it mean to be a christian? To follow the bible? Let me tell you right away, you can’t.
If it simply mean accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, I don’t see why you should not be able to work with other deities?
And even if we break it down to following the 10 commandments, the first commandment says " Thou shalt have no other gods before me".
before me
It does not mean you cannot work with them, because as I said, there’s no need for worship in a work relationship.

It all comes down to your own definiton of what your religion means to you, and how you define it.

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Very enlightening and thought provoking

Am I correct in assuming that you mean that in this paradigm the Abrahamic God would be viewed as Eternal Source and other divinities as aspects/emanations?

Yes, that would be the general idea. It’s no different, really, than the people on this forum who put Lucifer as the All and see other entities as “masks” of him. I find it quite funny, actually, how many people on the LHP like to bash Christians for putting their god at the top of everything, and then turn around and do the exact same thing with their god.


I leave worship or no worship to the individual. Satan is often either worshipped or viewed as partner. As long as any deity etc is treated with respect I see no problem personally.

I think we can agree on general definitions of the faiths in question without getting too bogged down into the dogmas. As for your example about (Eastern)Orthodox and Lutherans they both accept each others baptisms and are members of the World Council of Churches. So in general they are in agreement except on certain teachings.

Am I right in understanding that you have a similar approach as mentioned by @DarkestKnight?


I’m not a believer in the Abrahamic faiths, but I believe that there are thousands of gods in existence, each a unique and independent being. I’m not sure what a god is, what they can actually do, or how they interact with us, but I believe that they exist. I see the Abrahamic god is one of many. I admit he’s not my favorite. But as I’m exploring ceremonial magic, I am still invoking him. I’d say the relationship is more so utilitarian.



An elegant system for sure and in a way very Perennialist (All paths reach the same divine Source)

This sounds very similar to the Hindu thought of Ishtadevata.
Ishta - Main/chosen
Devata - God/ess
For context: Most Hindus esp followers of Vedanta believe that ultimatly all divinities are reflections of the Eternal Source or Brahman. Therefore any chosen God/ess(Vishnu,Devi,Shiva etc) is only a convinience for us to walk the path/tradition we are most attuned with.

On a personal note I also sometimes laugh at this attitude as I am ultimatly agnostic as to which divinity is the Eternal Source.

P.S Any explanation I add is purly for those unfamiliar to certain concepts. In no way am I demeaning you or anyone else.

No worries. I simply pointed out how a lot of Judeo-Christian RHP practitioners fit the different pantheons into their system. I am not of that group.

Personally, I see the Eternal Source as something beyond all comprehension, so any name or label we give to it is merely a construct, an interface, that we ourselves create to enable us to connect with it, but it is not the Source itself. Whether you want to call that interface Odin, or Lucifer, or Yahweh, or Satan, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, it’s all the same to me. None of them are the Source, but they connected to the Source, so through them, the Source becomes approachable (we are connected to the Source just as the gods are but we have forgotten how to approach the Source directly through ourselves).

Like Lao Tzu said, “The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name.”


I’m happy about the discussion and ideas so far. Lot’s of food for thought.

We read so much about how differing forms of LHP practitioners include their divinities on this forum. Many assemble whole pantheons under the aegis of their faith and/or paradigm. I think Michael Fords Luciferianism is a good example of this. He has books on both Sumerian and Greek pantheons working in tandem with his Luciferian system/faith/paradigm.

It would be still more interesting now to hear from actual Christians, Hebrews and Muslims who practice magickal paths in tandem with their faith on how they include other deities.

We seem to have very similar views on Source.

The quirk comes I think when there are polar opposits involved. Like the ever present God vs Satan within popular Christianity or Satanism(s).
Most ancient religions solved this by having no deity holding a claim to absolute Truth/Source. It being viewed mostly as universal and deities as having their place inside creation just as us humans. Only vastly more powerful and knowledgable than us.

How would you solve this in a Monotheistic paradigm @DarkestKnight?
Feel free to PM me if you prefer to hold that discussion private.

I find this extremely true with my experience of the Eternal Source - even if I channel or make up names for it, they won’t be the names of the Unknowable, but interfaces to it’s emanations (I might use some terms in weird ways, sorry).

Also I just had a realization after reading this whole discourse: as the All cannot be named as it is pure energy, the GPR you told me about using 5 base vowels (A, I, U, E, O) “could be Words of Power for the All” as they can be viewed as pure sounds/resonances.

Lately I’ve been adopting the view that all gods, demons, angels, fae, etc. can be assigned to abstract concepts, feelings, natural energies and thus they’re sentient energy synthesised for that specific energy that they represent - both as internal and external forces.

Sorry if it’s kinda jumbled, but that’s my 2 cents for this discourse.