Holy moly! (1000 years suspension)

I had to reread the suspension timeline, you can ban and suspend for 1000 years here?! WHOA :open_mouth:

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Means you’re never comin back.

Even if you reincarnate :smiley:


i mean, cant the person just make nother account

guess even the laws of the universe cant unbann you from forums

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Yeah tbh they can, no idea how lady eva does the permanent bans :thinking:


i gotta say, love the phoenix, let me ask, are you good at scanning?

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That’s probably how the software works. Due to the lack of a permanent form of ban, the mods may should just choose the longest number available, and that may be something like 999 years or so.

yeah of course, it was just a bit shocking hehe

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Yeah, I was confused too, the first time I saw it.

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I’m aight.

wanna try me in pm? but fair warning, idk what you might see

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Aight bet.

Ohh can I get one too ?? @Reptilian

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The bans are by IP address I think. It can be worked around, but people usually out themselves by posting and communication style. Having multiple accounts leads to an auto-ban anyway.

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Do you really think we will be using this same forum software in 1000 years?

no i mean i get the idea behind it, its just funny in a way

Please give me 10, 000 years, no 10 million suspension…Im on here too much as it is.

Lady Eva banned a lady who thought she was a dragon for 300 years
But they live upto 1200 human years so i think she will come back in a 300 to burn us all