Holy fuck. Bune

My car wouldn’t start on Wednesday last week. So I called off of work and planned to buy a new battery on payday which was two days away… I was paranoid, I had no savings, if it wasn’t just a battery issue than I was fucked. I freaked out, imagining having to move back in with my mom, not being able to pay rent, etc. Having recently read about Lon Milo Duquettes impressive successes I decided to call on Duchess Bune. I drew her sigil, tacked my index finger and put blood on her sigil and just hoped and prayed she would come through. By the next day I had an unexpected $14,000. Duchess Bune is incredible and I would highly recommend her in any financial emergencies. Hail the beautiful, eloquent and majestic Duchess.


Dayum, that’s a sign they like you if there ever was one. Very cool!

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