Hey this is my introduction

Im Matt and I’m just researching some spells and stuff expanding my knowledge on topics.How old are you?

Do you have any experience in magick? Ive just researched a few types of magic

If so, what do you practice and ahow long have you practiced? I haven’t practiced magik whatsoever

If not, then what struggles and goals are you looking to magick to help you with? I’m looking to cast a spell or to and and maybe prefer some invocations.

Please introduce yourself properly. This doesn’t fill the requirement as you have said nothing about yourself or your experience in magick.

How old are you?

Do you have any experience in magick?

If so, what do you practice and ahow long have you practiced?

If not, then what struggles and goals are you looking to magick to help you with?

Failure to properly introduce yourself may result in your posts being removed until our rule is respected.

Welcome to the forum. And you can use the magnifying glass to search.


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