Hereditary Movie

It’s Hollywood. They’ve been putting demons in a negative light since forever. This isn’t anything new.

Besides, spirits in general don’t really seem to care how they’re portrayed in media. They have more important things to worry about.


Beat me to it xD

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The movie barely focuses on King Paimon until the last 20-30mins, there are a lot of nudges to him if you pay close attention. I don’t want to say much without spoiling it but there is a pact involved that isn’t evil in my opinion. Hopes this helps clear things a bit


I agree.

We know that the cult was trying to get King Paimon a human vessel, but it’s never discussed how they were supposed to do it. The cult could’ve just come up with the murder and abuse on their own. Maybe after King Paimon gets his body, he admonishes them for their methods post-movie?


I prefer the traditional diabolical demon that hates humanity and life to these newer pop celeb type demons that seem to be so open to assisting humanity. The beings I interact with are seriously DARK and very sinister beings who live is extreme environments.

The conjuring was the closest thing to a hollywood movie showing demonic activety in my estimation. However, when I saw the commercial for hereditary I got huge sensations. I felt like hereditary was guna be pretty serious. I’ve been waiting for hollywood to get over these boring possession movies where some Christian girl gets brutalized. Why is it always girls getting possessed in hollywood movies?..

Anyway Im looking forward to seeing heteditary!


If they influence Hollywood then why not influence them to portray them positively, like in the Noah movie

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I thought Noah was kinda silly lol… I was actually just thinking of making a post about the deamons from Warhammer lore. I don’t want to derail the thread. I was just excited to see hereditary too. :slight_smile:

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I’m going to say something that I learnt in media college. Media in all its forms are not reality. They are a representation of reality. They are never truly 100% accurate, even when they are based on true stories. They present those demons in a bad light because the narrative says so.


Yeah no kidding! The script I just finished is about 80% a manufacture of my imagination and 20 % true. However I did try to portray the Sasquatch in a way that is closer to real life. The story is basically loosely based on true events.


I was just about to watch this movie RIP spoilers


@Tattersail Type into Google “spoiler free (film title) review” safer than reading discussions about a film haha.

Seriously though guys. Why didn’t anyone mention how they changed King Paimon’s sigil? It has three heads(?) Instead of four. I think it was a ploy to avoid accidentally calling him when shooting the film… but who knows… Also it was soo obvious it’s a film about evocation of demons, but the public didn’t see it coming one bit!! Crazy! That’s why I wasn’t suprised at all about the films destination and where it was heading… but the decapitation was a big surprise to me haha.

Much Love ~God


I believe King Paimon enjoyed being in the spotlight.
Rather than seeing the whole “Their making the Demons look bad! gasp!
Think of it in the sense that you have a collective conscious made up of multiple people now directed at King Paimon, feeding him energy.

Not so bad now eh?


That’s what he nudged me to notice the other day


Dude loves attention Good or bad. As long as the focus is on him he doesn’t mind

That’s how I perceive him anyways

(No disrespect ment) (pretty sure he’s a little upset I typed That lol)


I’m not afraid to say that I actually enjoyed this movie. I thought that the plot and the acting was great. Obv I cringed at the demon bashing but it wasn’t the actor’s faults. You can enjoy a movie even if it doesn’t represent a group correctly.


I’m more offended how stupid they made possession look. Also that freaking ending scene with the mother hammering her head against the attic I couldn’t take it seriously anymore. Possession doesn’t work that way.


Just watched this and the first half or more i was sleeping through, such bad writing!!
I’m not one to want action and explosions every two seconds; i like films with a good story and suspense but this was drawn out and boring. I started to get interested after the seance but when i saw her read about King Paimon i got annoyed by the stupidity of it.
I was doubtful when i first saw his sigil in the beginning and the doubt turned to disappointment but not surprise at the hokey ending. So, Damn, Stupid!

I still enjoy horror films about Demons but sometimes i do get tired of blatant lies and even more tired of dumb people who can’t understand fictitious movies are not reality. It’s happening more and more, our society isn’t able to see the difference from entertainment and reality anymore.
I know reality is, well, relative but in the past most people understood a film was a film and not facts. I’m waiting now for posts about this film and the “ritual” at the end, pfft. Found one once about The Conjuring being real, lmao.

I will say i found The Devil’s Candy to be not so black and white about Belial :wink:
That one you can read between the lines and get another message lol but this one is “demons are evil”.


It is a very hokey film, but all the ‘evil’ was done by the humans really.


well I got pissed off at that new nun movie that features Valak aka Voloc in a negative way so I know how you feel


I know this is an old thread but im watching this movie as I type this an wanted to see the reaction about it here. as soon as I saw that necklace In the very beginning I was like WAIT! I know that! it’s a sigil! and a sigil of an entity I have dealt with! I know it was a little off but u get the picture.

I knew it must be about Demons and rituals as soon as she said her mother did rituals at the wake in the beginning.

I kind of thought it was gonna show everything in a negative light. I honestly expected that but i just found it crazy it was gonna be about King piamon. he’s not someone I would expect to be shown in movies. that’s not to say he’s not important i just didn’t think It would be him on a Hollywood movie.

anyways the one thing I wanted to tell you guys was that when i went to watch this movie as it was freezing over and over. I stream everything online for free. all other movies work fine. I kind of felt like the entities I work with (mostly demons) didn’t want me to watch it lol. that’s the feeling I got anyways.

it finallybworked after a bit and has been fine. I think they didn’t want me to get scared away from working with them. lol. I don’t believe the movie shit anyway like most mindless fools in the world lol.