Herbs/flowers King Paimon likes?

I like to burn dressed candles during rituals and or evocations.

I was able to use my intuition to find the perfect herbs for Inanna, but I have no clue what King Paimon would enjoy. Any ideas?


i’m with him atm , and he’s telling me to just tell you this . he likes dandelions , daisies, sunflowers, roses, and “logical” plants :joy:. he wants things that’ll make him “feel calm and happy.” “he doesn’t like to be angered.” he likes the color red and yellow a lotttt on plants. he wants you to know he’s “a normal person” and to dig inside your head , as you should already know the answer. keep in mind he’s a gemini. ask him what he prefers to come from you. get more familiar with him. “ask the source”


Thank you!
I went into a trance earlier while in my bath (this I primarily where I do my invocation), and I had no idea red was his color. When I entered into his “realm” his garden had a lot of red, blue, and purple there. Many roses.
Funny, his “servants” placed a red cloth over me before entering his realm/garden.
Hopefully he enjoys the candle I give him soon.


no problemmm! but i can see what you’re seeing. it’s beautiful. he lovessss beauty. he wants “order.” he likes “his reality to be his mind.” basically he wants you to know “his mind is beautiful” , idk why he’s telling me thissss :joy:. but i feel the need to add lavender. it gives him peace.
but yessss red is his color and he loves it.
I see the name King Paimon as red alllll the time :joy:idk whyyy .


Roses, knapweed, clover flowers, chive flowers, violas.
Anything showy.
If you pick it with him in mind, he’ll like it.

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He loves tea as well, but it needs to be of great quality. Black tea is really good or mountain dew.

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@Saintnalim Roses, pink lilies, anything with an intensely sweet fragrance and vivid colors in the orange/ red/ pink/ purple range. If you can get your hands on Damascene roses, they’re gorgeous (and their smell is just divine) and I know He likes them a lot.

As for herbs, again anything with an intense and pleasing fragrance/ aroma will do. He’s not so big on citrusy stuff, from my experience.

He has a very refined taste and appreciates things that were prepared with care and elegance, it doesn’t have to be expensive. The intent counts, and the fact that you put some effort into making everything look beautiful for Him.

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Okay I was reading that he likes Mountain Dew :rofl:

What’s up with this guy and Mountain Dew??

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Thanks for this! Never heard of that type of rose, but definitely trying to find some (:

You all are so helpful and kind here. Blessings <3

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He doesn’t actually like it that much, it’s just that someone had nothing else to offer Him and He gave the guy a funny reaction (and accepted the offering). He wondered why humans would even want to drink it, or something like that. He isn’t necessarily keen on it, but this incident has found its way into the forum lore and now everyone seems to think He likes Mountain Dew. :laughing:



and of course King Paimon loves this concept because it’s soooo funny!!!

Thank you for this (:smile:


Makes me feel bad for him. :rofl:


He does find it amusing. :smile:


I think he likes mountain dew in the sense that he likes the whole joke. But he does like black tea, do make it sweet tho, if you brew it.


It’s just a scribble but I had to:


That’s great! Lol I can see Him rolling His eyes :laughing:


Also, does anyone know if King Paimon is okay with us being under the influence when we invoke him?
I work with Inanna/Astaroth heavily, and she hates it. What about Paimon?

He’s not going to like it, either. It’s ok to share some wine with Him if you’ve established such a connection, but you should not be drunk or high. He wants you to concentrate on the invocation and be in total control of all your faculties so that He can get through to you. He’s going to find it sloppy and disrespectful if someone tries to invoke Him while under the influence. And since alcohol and drugs weaken your psychic defenses, some unwanted elements may come in and disrupt the process. That’s especially risky for someone who is new to invocation and cannot discern who they’re talking to yet, so they might end up talking to themselves or some impostor spirit instead.


Thank you!!! Really needed this

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Yes, I agree with @Lux_Tenebris.