Help with what I'm seeing

Hi I’m interested to know why everytime I meditation in the dark I see a pitch black void then streaks of white then a Misty ball of white can and one tell me if it’s a vision or spirit trying to contact me any help is appreciated


Its possible but i think it more likely that it is simply your mind playing tricks on you. It does that when it gets bored with no stimulus.


Also when meditation with music witch I do a lot I can make my body tingling all over and can keep it going to feel like my iner body is shaking can you tell me what that is as I can’t ever see aura or energy so I have no idea why I can do that or what it is I’m doing ?


That just sounds like the music is stimulating your energy system.


When I feel it what can I do with it in magik or meditation is it a good thing and what to I use it for sorry about the q,s I’m in Australia and no friends do magik so no help at all

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About music, I’m with @DarkestKnight here. Some sound frequencies are meant to help you to achieve the desired state, like Theta-Gamma, for example.

About your visions, I can’t tell. I believe that no one can. Maybe is, again, was DarkestKnight said, maybe it’s literally a vision. Since it’s a personal thing I would advise you to contact the spirit that you feel a great connection and ask him to help you on this matter.


Thank you but as I cant summon or see or talk with any spirit yet could someone scan me and tell me anything they find about me r my energy or aura so I can learn what I might be good at


It doesn’t work like that. We’re not gurus, we’re not here to give you a curriculum. Everything is self-started.

If you’re completely lost, I would recommend that you look into the pre-Christian pagan religions of your ancestors and see which system draws you the most.

Slava Bogum

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With your meditations and visions the void and white orbs or light streaks is very spiritual and it often is a symbolism of our own identity in life.

This could be a visible extension of an astral or dimensional access point, like a vortex that appears when you meditate with strong focus energy. To me this is signifying a shift in your consciousness and thought process as you reach out into the abyss a rip in the astral plane.


Thank you to all for your help I take nothing as bad as I’m new and will take any help I get thank you all

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