Hello community, first of all I apologize if you don’t understand well since I don’t speak English.
I have been asking for your help to recommend a deity or entity because my family was fighting for a field that belonged to us through an intermediary who was a person very close to my family and lawyers who apparently were close to recovering the field but everyone Disappeared into nothingness and does not respond.
I feel like they stole our field by mutual agreement between them since they knew each other very well (this person and the lawyers).
I’m desperately looking for a deity to help me get my field back or something to ruin their lives through death, bankruptcy, jail or anything else, but I want revenge.
I only know how to work with Lucifer and he always helps me a lot but I want to try other deities, I especially like those of Goetia.
I was thinking about satan or someone else, any suggestion is accepted.
Clarification: According to my thoughts and beliefs, Lucifer is not the same as Satan, I see them as 2 different deities.