Help to contact King Paimon

Hello all.
Im trying to contact King Paimon, but through pray and meditation. Because i dont know about magic, rituals and other details.
Can anybody help me please?
Im very bad financially and i feel his name in my heqd all the time.

The answer you need is already on this forum. Check out the BALG FAQ or use the search function.

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You need to use black candles. Get five of them. Anointing with frankincense oil. The room should smell like frankincense. Get one of the seals of Paimon. Printed on the printer, and then trace it with your own hand. It might be good for you to use some sort of blood. This could be the blood of the chicken, the blood on meat, or your own blood. Be sure to have some sort of offering ready to go. It would be good to use a dark wine, and some sort of sweet fruit. See if you can get a hold of some Minooka honey. Have that offering ready before the ritual. Light the candles, and while tracing the sigil with the blood, say LINAN TASA JADAN PAIMON. Have your request written down before you call him.

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Look up how to light the candles. They should be in a circle of five in the shape of the pentacle. When you light the candles, like them in the direction of invocation. At the close of your ritual, snuff them out. Do not blow them out. You can find the direction of Invocation on several other websites.

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Very helpful
I should try it these days

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