Help please. love issues

[quote=“Dani123321, post:60, topic:2921”][quote="-TWF-, post:58, topic:2921"]Another problem is Dani tried to keep her from finding someone else, the problem with that is his statement of intent was worded wrong. One of tje forst lessons in magic is never use the negative in a statement of intent. Always use affirmative statements, why?

This is what he said:
“I DON’T want her to fall in love with anyone but me”

This is what got heard more or less:
“I want her to fall in love with anyone but me”

Once again Dani’s impatience and unwillingness to research and understand what he’s tinkering with has kicked him in the teeth.[/quote]

guys, can we not bring this thread up anymore?
I asked for help, i know you guys gave me great advise.
For sure, but I fucked up already. I don’t know how to
fix this.

all my rituals have worked against me. :-/

and as most of you know, i can’t see or talk
to Spirits, so i don’t know how they react or
think. I didn’t know anything about, this stuff.

I didn’t want her to find someone else, that’s why
i stated that. So oh well?
I guess. :([/quote]

Lol, yea, but it’s kinda hard to ignore this thread when you PM just about every member here to do love spells for you every week.

Reap what you sow my man!


This whole thing is incredibly pathetic.

The guy surrendered himself to a force outside himself.

None of his spells could have worked, naturally, as he was completely unable to detach himself from the result.

When he was informed he has to let go, he came up with some smart ass response like “Why would she come back to me if I do that?”

… Easy answer, because you won’t appear to be a whiny possessive ninny anymore…

I just thank heaven and hell that I was being a young lovestruck kid BEFORE the internet was so commonplace, because goddammit, I could have rivalled Dani at times… live and learn, eh?

Am I the only one who find this creepy in a stalkerish way?

Nope. I think the girl dumped him because of something related to this kind of behavior.

i just have to fucking laugh at some of the schadenfreude on this board sometimes.

it’s easy to watch dani suffer and point and laugh and go what a loser.

a little harder to admit that every single fucking one of us has been in his shoes at one point or another, and some more than once.

the almightiness of the mocking internet mage never ceases to amaze me.

but anyway…

dani, you were actually doing a lot of magick and it actually worked. but the magick you were doing was in the opposite direction of what you consciously wanted.

instead of doing the law of attraction, you were doing the law of repellence and you were feeding the repellent energy every day with strong emotions so that forced her right on out of your life.

you were afraid of her leaving you and she left you. your emotions projected onto your reality.

i want to get you to understand how emotions charge your magick. let me ask you a question. how would you feel if she walked in the door right now and said she only wanted you?

i want you to really feel like she walked into the room, walked up to you from behind and said she’s back with you. like she never left you and she was always in love with you the whole time.

no, i don’t want you to keep reading. i want you to actually STOP for a minute and IMAGINE THAT.

i’ll wait.


you see that feeling? notice how it changes on the inside of your body. the knot in your stomach and the cold feeling in your solar plexus is gone. instead you relax, breathe a bit deeper, and feel warmer. THAT is what you want to feel when you think of bringing her back. not the fear.

if you speak faith but feel fear, the fear is going to program your rituals and you are not going to get what you want. it is really as simple as that. you only get out of your magick what you put into it.

you have to break your fear trance and build an attracting trance based on better feels than the ones you have now or she’ll stay gone.

that’s why i said. you’re pushing her away with your fucked up attitude. fear is fucked up. i wasn’t calling YOU fucked up. you probably read it that way but no. you’re just a human being but your emos are messing with you. i’m saying your FEAR is fucked up. because it doesn’t give you what you want.

i’m not about making judgments on people. ithere is no benefit to fingerpointing for me. i want to know how magick works. and i’m telling you that at some level the magick you are doing isn’t helping you.

love is about attraction. i keep saying that. you attract her. you don’t force her. you don’t block her. you don’t manipulate or browbeat her. you attract her. and you have to have vibes that attract her to make her want to come to you.

what kind of vibes attract women? well, it depends on the woman because they all want different things. but in general, conviction and confidence based on the fact that your life is so bitchin that she’d be a fucking idiot to not want to be a part of it.

how you think you feel about her is actually a reflection of how you feel about yourself at some level. your MINDSET lets you know what you believe is possible, and if your mindset is full of fear that she’s the only one for you and you’re losing her, your one-itis and anxiety are not giving you a fighting chance.

you have to replace that one-itis with choice. there are 3 billion women on the planet. even if your girl is 1 in a million, just by virtue of numbers alone that means there are 3,000 other girls in the world EXACTLY like her in every way.

you have to replace yor anxiety with conviction that you’re worth her staying with you and confidence that you can keep her.

those are the minimum mindsets you need to turn things around.

there is a lot more there for you.

my suggestion to you is not to go doing black magick to try to force her into your life. instead i’d like to ask you to read the way of the superior man: a spiritual guide to mastering the challenges of woman, work, and sexual desire by david deida. he breaks down exactly the mindset you will need if you want to make sense of your love life as a man.

i’d also suggest you read i steal wives: a serial adulterer reveals the real reasons more and more happily married women are cheating by sven erlandson. he tells you exactly why a woman cheats and what to do about it.

in your mindstate you may want to read the second book first to put you at ease, and then read the first book in order to learn how to be the kind of man a woman will want to stay with. between the two books you will have all that you need to begin rebuilding your love life in an intelligent way.

i’m going to suggest that you not go doing love bindings from a point of insecurity. whenever someone tries to control others without being in control of themselves, they end up making a problem worse not better. that’s not a moral judgment, it’s just not efficient to ruin and deface other people out of fear and abandonment issues. i say that from experience.


It has nothing to do with schadenfreude. Do you see many people here being happy, or even amused at this?.God knows every one of us have skeleton in our closets and of course we all been tempted to do crazy stuff for someone who we loved, or, at least, thought we loved. Theres a fine line between some teen-related opera behavior, sprinkled with Romeo and Juliet vibes ("I cant live without her, Im gonna kill myself") and being just CREEPY. Obssesive, stalkerish kinda creepy. Ive dealt with obsessive people before and IT AINT FUN. Ive lived with such people and is hell.Seeing the same obssessive patterns, over and over, imposible to break, playing in an endless loop AIN`T FUN.
I wonder, what would you feel if this girl is your sister, or your daughter…?
I had symphathy but after time goes by I find it difficult to find this whole business cute. It may be because as I said, I see through the glass of my own experiences (not exactly like this, but with similar thinking behavior). Just my 2 cents.

Dani, so far as I can see, you’ll need to let go for 2 weeks or so as if she doesn’t exist.

Then come back with some spells in the same controlled frame of mind where you apply your desires only during the context of ritual. - good luck

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[quote=“Yuquen, post:67, topic:2921”]It has nothing to do with schadenfreude. Do you see many people here being happy, or even amused at this?.God knows every one of us have skeleton in our closets and of course we all been tempted to do crazy stuff for someone who we loved, or, at least, thought we loved. Theres a fine line between some teen-related opera behavior, sprinkled with Romeo and Juliet vibes ("I cant live without her, Im gonna kill myself") and being just CREEPY. Obssesive, stalkerish kinda creepy. Ive dealt with obsessive people before and IT AINT FUN. Ive lived with such people and is hell.Seeing the same obssessive patterns, over and over, imposible to break, playing in an endless loop AIN`T FUN.
I wonder, what would you feel if this girl is your sister, or your daughter…?
I had symphathy but after time goes by I find it difficult to find this whole business cute. It may be because as I said, I see through the glass of my own experiences (not exactly like this, but with similar thinking behavior). Just my 2 cents.[/quote]

It’s only natural. Please don’t bash Dani for holding an instinctual obsession. Lady Eva even pointed out that had there been social media during her lovestruck period, she would’ve been just as obsessive. Most of us have been obsessed about someone or something before. It is much easier said than done to not be consumed by that which brings immense pleasure. We may all be stalkers when the situations and circumstances are strong enough to make us stalkers. But not all of us can easily remain unchanged when the environment around us changes. I know Dani didn’t heed any of our advice, but at least he learned an important lesson and may apply the right knowledge next time so that he is happier in the future.

Everyone here.

I don’t want to be reminded anymore.

When i first made this thread, i was boarder line
suicidal. Not just because i lost her. I had lost
my job also and a bit of my friends, from my
wanting to be alone constantly. I wasn’t in
the “right” mindset. I was just depressed.

Then as things went on my life got worse.
To the point of me having to ask
for money from my parents again and
living with them for some time.

I wasn’t focused on her alone.
I was trying to get my life back on track because
i was failing test and a ton of things were
moving around. I had no base. I felt that
i had someone to ask for help at least
on Balg or I’d ask Elison.

Then having the addition of seeing him
lie bit by bit, more and more, just added
on. Plus, well, let’s be honest, you
guys aren’t real fond of being kind, but
i wasn’t the most likable person.

Point being, i was just in a wreck. Seeing things collapse
in my life. Having false hope. Having her away. Trusting
Elison. Then coming back to my supposed well, "Base"
to be told more advice or insults. ( mix of both )

I felt destroyed. I wanted to look for a silver lining. Something
to give me strength, with out making it worse.

When we were together, My Ex was my Rock, as i was Her Rock
as well.
So my initial
desire to have her back increased as a measure
of me finding a bit of balance and stability in my life.
( it was already bad because i missed her a ton)

and well, like the fool says, i did mess it up
and actually kept making it even worse.
I thought i was in hell, but then i saw the
opposite side of what i wanted manifest.
Then, i was in hell.

At that point, i was done. I told
Satan he could kill me and i wasn’t afraid
of anything. I just left and layed
out in the middle of some forest. I woke up
and people were looking for me. Apparently
i had fallen asleep longer than i had thought initially.

Now in reality none of this matters and this is all just
a bull shit drama novel. Some people are really into
the show and their screaming at the characters in the
tv screen while others are just enjoying this.

It’s a whatever. But it seems that at the end of every
show you wonder why the fuck am i watching this?
I get advertised about it a lot! (pms to people) that’s why!

So yeah. I just don’t care anymore. Theres all these people
on this planet, but I’ll always hold my memory of her

Nevermind, you were right Yuquen. My bad.

Let’s end this topic now, shall we? It’s becoming another dead horse.

Would a white candle work instead of a red or black candle if you don’t have any?

Hope this way out of left field advice helps!
Man Up! Women have abilities mostly far better than men of picking up vibes. Women don’t like cry-babies. If you’re clingy and needy that’s how you’ll come across all of the time - a real creep! Women also have to test men. I don’t know why but I know that they do. Ask women why.

I recommend working with Naamah and keeping your promises to Her.


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Step one : stop crying
Step two : take a nice clean empty glass bottle.
step three: add honey plus your urine plus that girls picture.Infact tie up her picture in a sigil of Beleth.add some rose petals (optional)

Now get a makeover, stop crying and pretend you feel nothing.I mean it.No begging no calls and no messages.

And make sure when she is back in a few days you don’t make her feel like she is the world to you.Women like men of mystery.


Whoa! disregard my other post then x I just realised your first post was four years ago x anyways the jar can be used by anyone who is in a similar situation.

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Giving birth was a life-or-death risk for most of our evolutionary period, we are not risking our lives for pussy genes - a man who fails the test isn’t stronger and smarter than us, hence, pussy.

It really is that simple.

Women who didn’t have these personality traists passed on their genes less effectively - sure, there are probably a few around, but they are a tiny minority.


Assuming this thread is ressurrected, I think RSD Tyler pretty much has the evolutionary traits women find attractive in men all figured out. YouTube is your friend. Read any romance novel and the man of the hour is something like Christian Grey from 50 Shades or Leo DiCaprio in The Departed. Mysterious guy who is sure of himself, not a guy begging for validation. Sometimes magick is limited, in that the target can be manipulated momentarily, but the operator needs to make progress to maintain what is gained. You can’t force attraction forever. I’ve seen one too many love spell this week maybe. This is a guy talking who has always been with beautiful women, and now married to one. It’s not enough to get in their minds. Women are emotional in nature and you need to be what they need, not just getting what you want. It’s give and take, otherwise you’re objectifying them and treating them as inhuman. That’s wrong in my book. You need to put in the work of self-development. And it’s not about looks either, it’s about mindset.

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No one likes desperation, and I think she can smell it from you a mile away. Its very good to have company and its okay to miss them, but you don’t need anyone to make you feel happy. The best way is to improve yourself because believe me if you continue acting this way, no one will want to stay with you. This thread is dying I guess, but people going through the same thing need to know this.

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I’m interested in this - can you do this for me?

I just noticed the year of the post - I’m sorry. Still interested though…