Help me there's a man in my city who astral project into my home and won't stay out

Burn them. Visualise fire burning them up from inside out. Watch the ash float away on the breeze. Gone.

If you want to try something different here are other people’s techniques:

Parasites are a very common problem. :slight_smile:


Everyone of those. I have another post about this you can see the whole thing right now I have to get rid of those parasites or I’ll probably kill myself soon…

It isn’t parasites, it is a deep depression. When you get depressed sometimes your mind attacks yourself. I believe it is a form of repressed sorrow. These effects can manifest in the spirit realm. In a way, your subconscious is attacking you out of grief. I would assume that your sorrow has led you to become someone that you hate. What you have to do is realize that it isn’t really you and that others cannot make you into something you are not. You have to hate who you have become and accept who you were/are.


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No no I’m FINALLY able to both like and love myself much thanks to those voices/parasitic entities or servitor guard ghost girls that I created. They’ve been really crappy to me when I call them really disgusting things but they’re bad to me if I call myself fat/ugly/dumb/weak etc or if I think something like “ah fuck it I’ll kill myself” then they either disagree or say something like"nooo plz don’t kill yourself we love you we think you’re great" but they also can turn on me and lie and do mean things then say “we’re sorry but we just wanted to see what you’d do/respond etc” and now that I’ve come to accept myself and like myself for who and what I am and it sure is time for them to go NOW they decide to treat me like crap, bully me etc.

Wtf are these entities? They seem parasitic because they create scenarios just to get me in an emotional state and when I feel good about something or accept myself and maybe even found myself again just the last two days they’re so damn mean it must be that they’re some weird parasitic entities or else they’d be glad for me stop lying and just leave. They make me depressed and they make me feel so down I don’t even want to live most days unless I drink alcohol…

It doesn’t quite work out all the way, I did the meditation where I imagine them as worms stuck to my energy field 2 times (one for each parasite) and put their energy in an object.

Luckily I had a tiny plastic snake to make a good substitute worm and put that in a small plastic tube.
Problem is there are still some voices bullying me left but only if I listen to music (They really think that’s what riled me up the most but guess what, I’m used to this after 3+months of their crap)

I would not give them a vessel and keep them around. You’re still playing games, now with toy snakes.

You’re making them more real and now you gave them bodies. Intend to dissipate the patterns so they cannot form again, and no longer exist, then tell us they no longer exist so people reading your thread don’t accidental create them again as thoughtforms.

You could light up a barbeque and burn the plastic snake if that helps. So what it takes to get them annihilated. They mus no longer exist in your universe, make them part of history, but ideally annihilate them so you forget the ever existed.

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I did chant the mantra of Mahakalia earlier today and that was so Intense when I felt his love and energy go down my spine and into my hands. The voices seem to mock him more than anything so much I’m guessing he could remove them or something? After that short meditation I saged the crap outta my apartment and that made the voices weaker.

I’m not going to react to them or respond anymore but I hear them mocking everything I do so they must be close to get pushed away. I’ve been bullied pretty much all my life so I know how such cowards work.

About the runes, I made some squares from thick cardboard and drew a rune on each one then out them in a little bag so I’ve took the first step, now it’s on to interpretation (ps: voices mocking me about the. Weak… So damn weak… Like I give a crap about them or what they think…)

Could you please delete the posts I made about them in the homeless egregore thread??? I’m going to burn that tiny snake while you do that (you’re a moderator so I’m guessing that’s one of the things you do “for work” :sweat_smile:)
I’ll burn the snake, chant and meditate on mahakalya since he was amazing to connect with and make an offering of candle and incense to murmur under his sigil since he’s been so very helpful in this whole messy thing…

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Sure, can do.

Just to clarify, I’m a volunteer mod, I do this because I love the community here and believe in our efforts to teach ourselves though grass roots research and experimentation. As such I am not an employee of the publishing company Become a Living God and don’t see this as “work”. I have a full time day job that’s a tad different. :smiley: :+1:

Best of luck!


You don’t need physical runes as much as to know their powers and chants and conjure them in your mind. If you can visualize them then that is the start. Physical runes I only really use for divination or to inscribe on objects I am making. Never actually write them down for any other purpose.

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Ok I burnt the small plastic snake wrapped in the sigil of murmur that I made for just the purpose. Burned thes 2 items in my burn bowl which was mighty fun and then burnt some sage. Made a salt circle both holy water sprayed and with physical sea salt. Gave murmur inscense and peppermint liquor as an offering. After that I gave some inscense to mahakalya and burnt so e sage. Unfortunately it was not 100% successful but they’re 50% less audible and judging by how much more they mock me they’ve grown at least 50% weaker. What is it that I do wrong? I go in feeling AWESOME about this ritual and feel like “fuck yeah this’ll work out great” won’t fail this one. And still I somewhat hear them. I’m now going to ignore them all the time. This WILL work. I’ll keep on channeling Mahakalia and pray to him and murmur and give them offerings

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I will summarize briefly:

You are overthinking. Your feelings keep them “alive”.

Unless you “kill” these feelings, you will never resolve this.

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I’ve had some luck with ignoring the voices these last few days and staying calm when they try mocking me. It’s not as easy as it might seem since I’m pretty lonely and sad about my current life situation because they can be pretty funny at times and it can be hard not to laugh but it’s slowly getting better (and I’m getting better at controlling my emotion) and they’re not as loud anymore
Thank you so much for your help

Edit: I believe meditations on murmur or mahakalya is helping too, just channeling their energies is so refreshing