Help Me Alter My DNA

If you go into the “for Hire” and ask him there he might but you’ll have to pay him for it.
He’s a bit pricey I’ve seen some of his being 2k.

Aside from that, if you really want to change your condition start with what we said. It might be hard for you at first but Daemons respect effort and perseverance, Marbas will teach you if you try.


Look up Biokinesis also ask Marbas about it.

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You could book a consultation with him to find out. I think it is quite a long waiting list (last time I looked it was it was a three month wait) but what you get is an hour long consult over Skype where you can ask him whatever you would like.

You could book one, and work on contacting Marbas while you wait.

help me contact Marbas,like what do i need to do to contact him?

clam down my friend

You were given that a few posts up. His sigil.

I’m as calm as calm can be.



Please don’t ask people to calm down when you are breaking the rules by spell begging.

Use the search feature here.

Marbas will help, but he wants you to contact him yourself.


What’s spell begging?

What do I do with his Sigil?

What you are doing, asking the people of this forum to do spells for you.

You open it. Try using the search function in the upper right.

Clam, DK…clam.

:clap::clap: OP !!! There are 72 posts on this thread repeatedly answering your repetitious monologue. I think the membership is getting a wee irritated that you continue to barrage with questions you can find answers to with the search function.

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I love clams…:yum::yum:


Clam down…with SAKE :sake::sake::sake:



i don’t know about using sigils, teach me how to use them

Check this link: How To Start Using Spirit Sigils To Get Anything You Want - Become A Living God

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you should stop this conversation for your own good at this point, @Life_Mind_Blowns.

Take some time to read the forum rules and introduce yourself.

It’ll help with some of the communication problems that occeured thus far.




I have told you three times use the search feature. If you are going to just ignore me I’ll leave you with what I’ve already given, which is plenty to get your feet wet.

Also this

Is begging, please stop. I don’t mind helping and I even gave you a message from Marbas but this is something you need to do.
If you don’t understand how to use the forum, that’s fine just say so and we can help.


i don’t understand