
My name is Jessica. I’ve been practicing witchcraft for a few years but I’ve never really explored this area. I was a devout Christian earlier in my life but nothing came of it except weakness and helplessness. I’ve been through very abusive relationships and all I can think now is why didn’t I defend myself with my own power instead of waiting to be saved? Anyway, Lucifer has been on my mind since I was a child. I used to dig holes in the yard, in search for his horns(I was young lol). I’ve written poems about him and other demons. I’ve imagined him in a sexual nature many times. I am pulled to music about him… and have been for many years. As a witch, I’ve never been afraid to practice all types of magic. I don’t believe in Wiccan garbage. So I’m here because I want to learn more and be a part of a community that embraces Lucifer and magick. I’m very excited.

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Thank you for doing an introduction, and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

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