
My name is Anna, I practice white and black magic. And my username Goku black (Zamasu) is because I’m a huge fan of dragonball. I live in Holland, near Amsterdam which is a great town.

I have experiences with spirits, especially with my father that passed away. He visited me a lot and spoke telepathically with me. Same goes for my pets that passed away. I’ve worked with angels in the past and now I’m pretty interested in working with demons.

Greetings and blessed be :smiley:


Hi Anna, welcome! I lived in Amsterdam for 15 years! Now I’m in UK. Welcome to Balg and nice to meet you !

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Hi Anna, welcome to the forum.

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Thank you so much, how is it to live in the UK? Is it better than the Netherlands? :grin:

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As a Filipino Dutch, I still miss NL, My mom moved to the UK and at the same time my group of friends broke up, so I decided to move to Brighton, UK! Don’t regret it ever since! By the way have you got any magick books regarding angels & demons?? I’m trying to train my clairvoyance as well !

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Oh wow, you’re Dutch too? That’s pretty amazing! I heard lots of people immigrated to the UK… I’m sure it is better there than NL :sweat_smile: I don’t have books yet about the angels or demons but when the lockdown is over here I gonna look up if I can find some books about these subjects :grin:

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Gallery of Magick is pretty good to start with, lots of books about angels and ‘Demons of Magick’ is a good starter as well! Try visit https://galleryofmagick.com/ !!

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Thank you so very much! I gonna check it! I also hope I can books in my own language as well, it will be easier to read :blush::grin:

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Welcome :blush:

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Thank you so much :blush::grin:

Welcome @GokuBlack22

How long have you practiced?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?


I practice since the last 6 months… I’m completely new into this.

I don’t have any experience with traditions yet like hoodoo or voodoo etc

So what do you mean “white and black” magick?

What does your practice consist of?


With white magic I only work with good intentions… And black magic well it says enough, but I also worked with intensions based up emotions.

But black magic is been a while ago. I’ve cursed my old boss that were a d**** to everyone and I succeeded in it. Even the people that were blinded by him opened their eyes a month after the ritual was done.

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If I’m understanding correctly, you are working off of intuition, with no set method or ritual that you are following?


That’s indeed correct :grin: in the beginning I’ve used spells from people on youtube which I did for myself but they didn’t worked. The only one that worked was my own spell I’ve created for our old boss.


Thank you for expanding a bit more upon your experience, and again, welcome to the BALG forum :slight_smile:

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You’re very welcome and thank you so much. I’m just a beginner and willing to learn and read experiences so that I might learn more in the future :grin::blush:

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Welcome to the forum. Anything in particular you’re looking to learn? Or not learn?


Thank you very much! Yeah I’m looking for magic, deities and demons… I also love to read stories about magic and the deities and demons. I’m willing to learn more and I were always interested in these subject since early childhood :grin: