Hello. I’m JA

Hello. I’m new to magic and wanting to learn. I am looking to meet people and grow in this forum. I appreciate everyone’s kind kindness. I also need help.

Welcome @ineedyourhelp

Where are you from?

Do you have any experience at all, or are you starting from scratch?

If you do have a little experience, what have you practiced, and how long have you been practicing?

If you are starting from the beginning, what areas of magick are you interested in learning about?

I’m from San Antonio, TX. I’ve been reading about demonology. Right now, very basic just trying to learn the different deities and what they help best with. I haven’t tried anything myself yet. I’ve reached out to people who do spells, readings, and rituals for services, but have not yet started practicing myself. I hope to gain more knowledge here.


Welcome, you’ve come to the right place.

Welcome to the Forum.