Hello, I go by Sabastian

I’m requesting some guidance, advice or theories. I’m seeking answers to a situation I’m in. Based on what I have encountered, I believe there is a presence among myself. I appreciate any help. Thank you. For the time and piece of mind shared.

Welcome @Sgame9403 It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so please tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick.

Where are you from?

Do you have any experience at all in magick?

If so, what do you practice, and how long have you practiced it?

If not, what are you interested in learning about?

I’m from Texas, I have no references to magick
My lifestyle isn’t to glorious, I’m a painter and a handyman. My childhood wasn’t a pleasant one but not completely horrendous. What brings me here is what I’ve experienced, been told and on my own researched. I seek knowledge more so answers, truth. I respect all forms of knowledge and beliefs. I want to make sure whatever is with me I approach it correctly and most highly with respect

Thank you for elucidating more, and welcome to the BALG forum.

What makes you think there is an entity or presence around you?

The fact that it has been there with me since I was young. That there is no doubt. It makes itself known in the beginning years, with very subtle things. This year however it has grown. It’s now shown itself, to my significant other. I’ve brought myself to more or less shrug off such occurrences. It has not manifested but it still does subtle things. I’ve opened up my mind with certain fungus. I feel like I pierced the veil and I wanted to know what was with me. Doing my own research had given me some kind of direction. Very recently I encountered a person who said they had a gift. Seeing spirits. We shared stories of encounters. Nothing out of the ordinary. The next day I’m informed that indeed there was something with me. I’ve been speaking with it. Man I believe it is. Same voice and he does follow me. My research I’ve done tells me he’s something of the hierarchy of hell. No disrespect if I’m wrong. But the woman told me I feed it. Yet I’m conflicted.

Do you seek to rid yourself of it?

First, I’d like to welcome you to the forum :wave:t4::blush:

Second, in reference to the part of your post that I quoted, no need to feel as if you offended anyone by making that comment. This forum is full of people that are open-minded and from all walks of life. So no judgements here.

No. It’s been with me since the beginning. I want to know its history. Its helped me yet also keeps me humble. Gives me advice so to say but leads me to my own decisions whether it leaves to demise. Based upon my key encounters throughout my life. I was hoping someone or even with what you know. Can classify or even determine what it is.

Thank you. I’m very cautious. I also meant no disrespect to the entities or beings that walk among others as well. For they also have knowledge. During my trials I’ve found that in instances of me being too lenient with my words I end up damning myself. Again. Thank you for welcoming me.

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Doesn’t sound like a situation that needs fixing, more like a guide. We won’t know exactly what type of entity it is from here. Guides are frequently ancestor spirits, like a great grandfather watching over the family type of thing. Having a daemon is relatively rare and usually happens to people who were mages in past lives who made a pact to get that to happen, or called it in this life.

Your best bet is to ask it, if you trust it to he honest.

What made her say that, and more importantly, what do YOU think about t?
If it wanted feeding you should have noticed this by now and not needed her opinion - feeling tired after it’s been around, having it ask for offerings, noticing changes in mood or high emotions between you and people you know when it’s about. Feeding a spirit costs you something. You’ve been with it your whole life, does it cost you anything?

The ones that need feeding are lesser entities, symbiotes or parasites - or thoughtforms you made yourself. They tend to have no real wisdom or power, they tell you what you want to hear and pander to your ego, and try to convince you you need it for some reason. Spoiler: you never do. :slight_smile:

Well I’ve asked it. She didn’t tell me anything that night , the next day my boss told me that she saw it. That morning I was trying to communicate with it. And it would answer through a ghost box. But it would be very short and garbled. Well my girlfriend told me in the afternoon when I went back to speak it with. I told it I know you’re here that girl saw you. And then it started talking loud, clearly and distinctly. Laughing and still mimicking me when I told it that if it’s been making my life difficult it should expect the same. The voice is deep and always the same tone. I have the audio recordings, I dont know if that’ll help decide what it is. And yeah it changes the mood when I or my girlfriend catches a glimpse not all the time though but it’ll make my girlfriend hear things that I say or do and I’m sitting watching TV or etc. Which happened last night, I went the whole day and night without talking to it for the first time in the past 4 days. It showed up in the early morning hours. Made her question what I was doing and she told me I heard something that didn’t sound like what you were doing. And once we went to the separate rooms I was on the couch and it quickly moved behind the couch. It looked like my cat but my cats were with my girlfriend and to confirm that as I’m saying crap and etc. My cats come down the hallway. The only thing that I may believe its been doing is building my anger. Its evolved from like getting upset to full blown rage sometimes.

Ok that doesn’t sound so good, but I’m not a huge fan of ghost boxes any more than I am ouija boards for communication - it’s too easy for impostors to intercept the connection.

Similarly, you have to be careful with individuals telling you things that you have not personally verified. If you’ve heard of UPG, or Unverified Personal Gnosis, this is when only one person has received information. After another person gets the same info independently, ideally a few, then it’s verified, but until then you should be open to it not being interpreted accurately.

At this point, since you want to work with it and get info about it’s motives and history, which only it can tell you, you’re in a good place here to start learning the techniques and develop your senses so you can do this. This will not be a quick answer thing, it will take time and work on your part.

You should think about whether you really want to become a sorcerer, there’s more that will come with the awareness that can give you that some people end up wishing they could forget. If not, use some basic banishing to get help to get rid of this thing. With the more info you provided it sounds more hassle than it’s worth, and might not be smart enough to have anything interesting to say anyway.


I spoke with a medium the other night. And I was told that she felt nothing with me. The question came up of the use of narcotics and I said yes I do. She said that’ll open up portals which I’ve heard said numerous times. But I told her that back when I was younger at 11. I didn’t do anything and that’s when it first encountered me. It ran up to my bed but more of a scurry. More than 2 legs and licked my left hand. Which ironically became my dominant hand as time passed by. I’m right handed. She asked about trauma in my childhood. And I said yes it wasnt pretty at all. Order and punishment is how I was raised. If it helps not sure if you have read it already but my post that starts with “since the beginning” gives details about what’s been going on. Do you have any insight about portals I’ve read that sometimes the same entity will come back even for long periods of time.

It’s not about portals, it’s about your boundaries and protections or the lack of them. Childhood trauma can weaken your defenses as well as drugs, or you could have just been unlucky, living as we do in an age where people are not taught that the spiritual is real let alone how to protect from it.

I’m sorry I went TL;DR on the uberlong post with no paragraph breaks. I see @QueenMustang read it and had come to the same conclusion I am here, that this is not useful, takes your energy, and is therefore a parasite. Parasites are good for nothing and if you search here for Parasites 101 you’ll get a lot of info on various ideas to get rid of them.

You seem to be getting bogged down in the details, spiraling around and not making any decisions.
I think you should meditate of what would be the best outcome for your highest good, and figure out a plan to get there.


texas gang

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Hell man!

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