
Sorry for posting more than often but I just broke up because apparently my boyfriend is scared to lose me cause I am into witchery and we had a big fight because I can’t let go of Lilith.
We broke up today and I am okay for now but I am not going to be okay for longer.
Can lilith help? Should I do a chord cutting?I went to a tarot reader and she said that he and i are energetically connected and I have heard this like a thousand times and that is why we both can’t move on.
But enough is enough.I want this to end now.I feel powerful and I know I don’t want somebody who doesn’t let me do what I like.
Suggestions please!:slightly_smiling_face:


It wouldnt hurt.You could also use Identify, Objectify, Banish method where you have to visualize this cord (or represent the connection as something else I dont know), then you visualize it, structring is the more appopiate word actually because visualisation alone doesnt work.Then you send all your energy to kill it.

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I have no suggestions, also because I wait for a job before thinking about love … and therefore give useful suggestions on the subject.
I wish you what I wish to me and to all … a partner who respects our cult.


True that!

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The last time I did it,he texted me out of the blues.Last time he cheated on me lol.

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Honestly, two things will help for now.

One - stay close to your gods/goddesses.

Two - stay close to your goddesses/gods.

I say this for several reasons. One is your connection to the goddesses/gods (Lilith). They are coming to you for a reason. When I first started demonolatry, it was because I felt and responded to the pull of Hecate. Once I figured out it was her, I figured out how to respond to her. I had done psychic and Taoist things for a few decades at this point. While I knew it was PART of my path, I knew it wasn’t the whole. The Internet didn’t exist then, as it does now, so this may have slowed or affected my progress/path.

Another - Maybe you’ve been connected in the past. Does that mean it’s a good/healthy relationship now? NO, that is not a guarantee. We all have attractions to the past, well those of us that aren’t narcissists, it doesn’t mean that we either ignore nor encourage those past relationships. It does mean that we try to move forward.

From a male perspective, if someone said I should let go of my devotion (but not worship) of Hecate, this would be a flag to me. No, I will not. I will not try to convert, but I will NOT let go of my relationship to her. I will NOT do something that is to totally ignorant of decent humanity that it would…make news? Make Youtube? Does it matter what platform?

With a healthy person (both emotionally and religiously) , this should not be an issue. While she (Hecate) was my start and directed me to others I absolutely must work with (MUCH darker), I’m too territorial/loyal, to ditch those early Deities(those early ones). I still make offerings to them monthly, just as I do my ancestors. Are they not a part of my past (if not still active)? Frankly I still work with most of them, even as I work with others I’ve been sent to (by them usually).

This is just my opinion. I am married to an atheistic and I do not push that on her, nor she push her views on me. On occasion, I offer to make offerings to HER ancestors as I do my own. Sometimes she agrees, sometimes not. Regardless, I can feel when they are around. I may occasional offerings to the “Maternal Family of my Son” on his behalf.

As long as I can practice in relative peace, I supposed I’m better off than my ancestors…so that either means I may need to do some for them…

So, do what you can, when you can. Don’t force it on anyone. And even if it’s so subtle that your partner doesn’t know it’s going on, well, you’re still doing “right”/“left” by the gods.

I’m early 40’s. Haven’t had a permanent alter ever. Do blood and genuine offerings in private. Of course I want to do it openly. But that doesn’t seem to be dice I was given for the moment. Regardless, my practice continues and will…

Hope it helps.


If someone loves you truly must accept you with everything what makes you beautiful. More than this should encourage you to be happy. Anything else would not be correct


I needed this.
The relationship is toxic but I thought to give it another chance and he said it’s either him or lilith and I chose lilith.
He always makes me sacrifice and leaves but it’s enough now.



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Again, my wife is an Atheist. We are raising our son to respect Nature and Life (to include the necessity of Death), but…

Truth is, I was “spiritual” when I met and married her. I became a demonolator afterwards. I cannot and do not expect her to understand. The important part is that she let me do what I feel I “need to do”. And I do.

I do monthly, sometimes twice a month, offerings to thanks the gods and my ancestors. She doesn’t need to know the details. Would I prefer she do? Of course, but that’s not going to be the case - at least until she has a severe enough near-death moment to warrant that.

That’s fine. I keep that part of me private, knowing I share it with the “Gods”.

Looking back on it, at my near-Geritol (lol) existence, I may find someone that would accept the Occult aspects, but daily life isn’t FULL of the occult. It’s full of mundane dumbassery. If I have to keep that small part of myself to myself, free of restrictions from practicing within reason, then that is a net-win for me.

Maybe I should state the I’m a person that practices the Occult/Demonolatry, rather than a person first. Don’t get me wrong, but I’m a person FIRST, just as I was when I was raised a Mormon, but tried to deny that.

Person first, Occultist next. Why? Because I still have to live in this world. Should I ever find myself in the space where I somehow may money off of my abilities, well, that may change… :wink:


I did thought of keeping it private but he said that I am a maniac and stuff and it was disrespectful tbh.
Even tho I am very young I am respected by all in my place.Teachers,friends.So I can’t take his ignorant disrespectful behavior.If something has to happen between us,it will.I trust in the universe​:slightly_smiling_face::heart:

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But thankyou so much for helping out.
You are very practical.

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Perhaps, I am too practical. I was an analyst and am a former programmer, but saw…things…as a child. We have to reconcile what we experience with what others experience. I’m sure there are others that found partners that they don’t have to do this with, but the majority will not. It’s a numbers game and while forums like this help bridge this gap, I don’t think this will shift for a while, to say the least.

Well, maybe I should say for those in my generation. I have hope for those in their 30’s and younger. Internet and exposure are a helluva drug, yah?

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haha yeah​:woman_facepalming::joy_cat:

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No. Just No. If he really and truely loved you and respected you, he wouldn’t disrespect you in this way. It hurts now because you’re mourning what could have and should have been, as far as the relationship goes…but over time that heartache will fade. He shouldn’t feel threatened by your beliefs. If he doesn’t accept your beliefs, then he doesn’t accept you.

You’re allowed to believe and practice and follow whatever spiritual path you choose.

Later for anyone that doesn’t accept you, ALL OF YOU, THE WHOLE AND ENTIRE YOU, for who you are…:bouquet:


You don’t need anybody telling you what to believe. Keep your goddess ditch the narcissistic asswipe find a guy that is into the occult. There’s tons of them.


You said the relationship is toxic?

Yeah, it does sound like a narcissistic jerk who tried to assert control/power over you. He can’t control you so he blames you and then leaves. IDK but that usually becomes a mentally (or more) abusive situation. You may have dodged a bullet there.


My sentiment exactly. She actually lucked out and is better off for it.

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You guys are really supportive.Thankyou❤
Whatever happens,happens for good.

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Take this as a blessing in disguise

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