He asked me if he owned me?

Believe me, black magicians who kills, tortures two guys every month just to test his skill would disagree with the last part!


Thanks for your response. Its very strange but I never miss him and rarely think of him than something will occur. We basically had sex over the course of 4 years. Never my boyfriend but yet Ive met his family and he mine. There would be months inbetween seeing each other and as soon as I was going to possibly have sex with someone else…he would pop up. I was once out with another guy and he came and touched him on his shoulder… Me and that guy tried 9 or 10 times to have sex or the course of months and hed me hard as a rock and as soon as he came near me go limp. Another time I again hadnt seen him in months and I was deep into a conversation with a friend at a store. I stopped dead in the middle of the conversation walked outside and stood there …bewildered and than he was in a car smiling at me… I suddenly knew I sjould go to my mothers house and as I walked in the door he called me. I denied him once and have never seen or heard from him again… Its been 15 years. Yet all my friends …people ive met over the 15 years know him… The man that I denied him for went crazy…into a mental institution…hearing me moaning everywhere. Sometimes I feel like i have some sort of hold on me. Its weird.:confused:

When he asked me if he owned me he put a chain on my neck and I think he began speaking in another language… Its weird. My memory becomes fuzzy at that point

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A few other tid bits… I married young and had recently divorced when I met him …i was 25. My only sexual experience was my ex husband and I was sorta prudish… Yet the second I saw him he could get it…without question. It was and odd first encounter…I didnt end up having sex with him that night… I felt really drunk suddenly and when he went to the bathroom…I left. After that he was everwhere I went. When we did finally hook up… I never longed for him or missed him or questioned his motives. I never even tried to contact him or find out about him…Very unlike me. The reason why after 15 years Im bringing this up. I recently had a spirtualist tell me i had a curse or hold on me. She didnt ask me for money to cure it or anything…ehh freaky and she said she sees no future love life.:cry: … I would also add that over the course of the 4 years and 15 years since… When I do think of him its never negative… Ive never felt afraid or hurt or saddened or frustrated in anyway… When I think of him I only smile… But dont feel in love or miss him in any way… That is weird… He did once asked me if I wanted to be with him…I said yes… He confessed to me that he was bipolar and knew he wouldn’t be able to make me happy. I accepted that and appreciated that he cared enough about me to not want to hurt me.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Fear and respect are very different. Black magick is something to respect for sure.


tepending on viewpoint every magick is black.

-look into timothy’s groundworks regarding that.

is Magick able to manipulate love - yes, definately.

But in the regards you mentioned, it should be quite easy to get out of that.
Bind and remove any attachments left from that situation,
and bless yourself by casting away all old possession, renewing it with self-ownership.
Several Demons are well aiding you along such a path if you want to incorporate them.
It may be very benefitial, but i will leave that decission to you.



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He had placed a chain on my neck… A friend of mine I disscussed the situation with was told we had throw the chain in water. At the time I didnt want to do it… She was freaked out and threw it in a river… I dont believe I have any other possessions from back than.

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well then. :blush:

Lol… Funny …but not funny

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Please hit the link he posted to make your intro :slight_smile:

Now, just break it. He is clearly a stocker, which you can call the cops about but you can also look on this forum to find ways to break any binding he could have done.

You know as you change your future also changes.

Example: Someone could do a reading on you that you will be rich in the future, but if you would just lock your self in the house and fall in depression all that could change.
No-one will come to your door and offer you money or a job

I always kind of felt maybe felt maybe it was a connection. Than when I saw the psychic lady telling me I am cursed and I always felt that he had done something freaky. Im just opening my mind to all possibilities.

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True buI am an extremly independant person. I make goid money have a degree… Hella cute…lol… But I feel like something up with that situation. I didnt even go to the psychic about my love life. I went with a friend. I did marry… But someone who I eventually found thst it could never possibly work…im not quite what he likes… :confused:

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Learn about the occult start meditation learn how to break a curse. Wear clear quartz crystal around your neck to strengthen your aura. Learn magic learn to break the curse reach and grab wants yours. Your goddess power.


Thats my plan


Ooh synchronicity - I saw a video yesterday that speaks to this exactly:

Since you have the money to spare, I think it wouldn’t hurt to contact the lady in this video Joey Morris for this situation to resolve it sooner, or just get advice - abusive relationships and helping people grow out of them, breaking links and curses, are a specialty of hers.

(Don’t mind the dramatic way the consultation is presented on this site, horror thumbnails etc, that’s just an E.A. salesmanship thing, Joey herself is very knowledgeable, down to earth and reasonable about it all.)


Thank you

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I appreciate the advice but I dont feel abused in anyway… I feel like be us somehow affecting my current life. I always thought we just had a strong connection in life but Im exploring other possibilities…especially since I was told I had a hold or curse on me…