Having extreme difficulty meditating - help!

I’ve recently found myself with a racing mind and really battling to meditate or even just slow down for a minute.

I’ve tried hiking and running to try to tire myself physically and ground myself in nature, but nothing seems to be working. I’m also battling with chronic insomnia.

Does anyone have any advice? I’m fairly certain it’s stress from work that triggered it - I asked King Belial for help with that, but even my magick has been fairly ineffective recently because I’m feeling so out of touch with myself lately. It’s become a bit of a viscous circle.

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I only have a few suggestions. IDK what would work for you, but those are surface level stuff.

How is your breath? You could try to do some breathing exercises. Learn a new breathing technique and just focus on that. Tell yourself that you are going to take this time to learn, and that the rest of the world can wait for just these few moments. Just focus on your breath, and then when thoughts come, just breathe. Refocus yourself on your breath after you notice the thoughts.

Take note of your body. Feel the stress and tension in the muscles. Feel how tightly you hold your jaw, and relax it. Just do it. Part by part, piece by piece. Focus on relaxation and breathing.

It sounds like these intrusive thoughts and combination of stress are really hanging on your mind, and you know what? That is OK. Just go back to the basics and stop putting so much pressure on yourself to preform when doing meditation. Just remember what you are feeling is temporary, and will pass.

There are some days where I just can’t meditate at all.

On those days I decide to shift my focus. I might do another round of standing qi gong or just go through the Eight Movements for some time. Something that is meditation-like, but not quite the traditional view of “ok sit on the pillow”.

It might help you to write down your thoughts and pressing matters before you start a meditation session.

You could practice trying to ‘Be the Observer’ and try to get an alternative perspective on your situation based on the practice.

You could try to meditate with a candle in front of you. Watch the flame and watch your breath. Then when a thought goes into your head, send it into the fire of the candle and watch it burn so that it does not distract you for too long in your meditation. You can worry about it later. Right now its you, your breath, and the cleansing fire.

You could take the candle meditation further, to breathing in the flames energy and see the energy filling you, burning through all the gunk and dispelling the chains you put around yourself. It could help give you energy and insight to deal with the situations at work.


I have had success with this Whiteboarding : Powerful Method To Erase Negative Thoughts method. You made need to go back to the board many times though.


Here’s something you could try.

  1. Take the deepest, longest slowest breath in that you can manage until you simply cannot fit any more air in. Then try and sniff just a bit more in just cos you can.

Hold it for as long as you can. Not so long that you pass out of course but long enough that you feel your blood pulsing.
Hold that breath for a count of 8, 10, 12 or whatever number you like. Longer if you want to like maybe 20. You might see flashes of colour, streaks of light etc.

  1. Now breath out slowly, calmly all the way out and gently push the last bits of air out until there is no more air inside you. Feel your stomach muscles contracting as you get almost empty, you might find your lips forming into a kissing shape as you do this lol :kissing_heart:
    When you think you are empty, try and blow a little bit more out just to make sure.

Hold yourself completely empty for a similar count as when you were holding in.
Aim for a similar count for holding full and holding empty.

Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Do it all gently and only as much as you feel comfortable with but just push yourself that bit so you know you are feeling something inside.

A few repetitions of this, maybe five or ten times and you will notice that your breathing is pretty much all you are aware of and little to no internal chatter will exist.
Then when you feel you have done enough of that, gradually go back to a more usual breathing pattern.

What you may want to aim for is the same count for breathing in, holding in, breathing out and holding empty. That way you are breathing evenly and in control.


Have you considered that your consumption may be to blame? What media do you consume (TV, music, video games, porn, social media, etc)? How much of it are you consuming? What about your diet? Are you eating lots of meats and carbs while gulping it down with caffeine filled beverages?

Another issue is the fact that you’re actively trying to meditate. You speak of battling these thoughts. Action only leads to more action, thought with more thought. Try to have awareness of the thoughts. Do not react to yourself thinking when you’re meditating. Simply become aware of the fact that you were/ are thinking. Meditation is a slow process. Try to stay conscious of your breathing. Keep your back up right. Binaural beats or Tibetan singing bowls may help. The ball is in your court.


It is also possible that meditation anxiety may be contributing. Sometimes we hit a funk and can’t do what we usually do. Then we stress out over not being able to do it and makes it harder.


To me meditation is a just a reminder to be present in this very moment
Forget that your meditating and just set back and be with yourself and your surroundings
The sounds the smell your thoughts you’re witnessing all of these things at this very moment as you just simply breath
At this very moment you’re not doing anything wrong you’re not fighting anything heck your not meditating your just being.
just being
If you are present with your surroundings your meditating
And with time you’ll learn the patterns in your mind that way you’ll be able to silence it since you’re more aware and won’t easily get distracted

I completely agree


This definitely sounds like part of my problem. I try to limit my consumption of media as much as I can in my personal life. I do work in the advertising industry though, so I basically spend my entire working day online :pensive: it’s a tough one, because I know that my work is a large contributing factor to not “switching off” enough.

Will definitely try some of these suggestions, thanks for sharing!

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First time I’ve ever heard of whiteboarding. Thanks for sharing, I’ll give this a try.

I found most of these comments helpful.