Have you ever had a target that all of your attacks were just empowering them?

I feel like nothing is working as if the angels are with this individual, I would like to get advices on how to overcome this target? If you had any target like this let me know, I’m frustrated…


I’m having the same issue.

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Mercury retrograde, guys. Try to switch up your usual methodology and make the retro work for you.


That’s why I don’t do a lot during Mercury retrograde.


Or rather, I turn the focus inward for a bit and shield the hell out of myself and watch other people drown.


I’ve never heard of Mercury retrograde before, now it is all making sense. I have a lot of things in the works, should I just abandon them until it is over or just let it ride?


Depends. I’d ask the spirits.


Ok, thanks I’ll do that.

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OR you can pull something I’d do and just banish it’s influence.


How do you do that?

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Same way you’d banish the influence of a negative spirit or person, if you know how to do that?
For an incantation something like “in the name of my personal divinity, I banish the influence of the mercurial retrograde.”… Etc etc. Get creative.


I’ve never banished anything before but I will learn how. What you suggested sounds good to me, I’m going to go with that. Thank you so much.


Dope you’re right wow I never thought it about that that way, It’s all make sense now why it’s so cold “back fire”!

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You can do plenty. The secret of the retrograde is understanding that you’re working with the concentrated power of the planetary influence. Most people regard the retrograde as the planet going in reverse, which is simply an optical illusion. In reality, it has slowed down its motion.

It’s an excellent time for baneful works. Also an excellent time for works focused on the Self. Introspective work, self-empowerment, etc. It’s also a good time to set goals and intentions with the plan to “pull the trigger” on the day that the planet comes out of retrograde, so all of that energy you have waiting to go gets unleashed at rocket speed.

You can perform normal operations with rewording of intent. So like, instead of “i want a bunch of money”, it would be “i do not want to be poor”. See what I’m getting at?

Embrace the retrograde, work with it, and it can be very powerful.


Also what I noticed is that I did the rituals at mercury hours in general and sometimes in mars even, Suprise surprise so we should take planets and Astrologia seriously ? According to your believe system are we trapped in the matrix? It is Questionable maybe it’s all just fate and destiny :astonished: this planets energies can make us facing some serious challenges as well as empowering us in some way.

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how long is the retrograde lasting?

Til the 15th.

Oh yes.

Hate all the matrix-squealing out there. Yes, the universe and all of nature is composed of mathematics. This doesn’t mean it’s a computer program. A program, in its truest sense, absolutely. Nature has an ordered methodology that keeps all of creation humming along. It’s pretty wild, actually.

So, taking the importance of mathematics and, as such, the motion and orbits of planets as well as the effect of gravity from various celestial bodies…astrology ain’t no joke, dawg. This shit affects us at a scientific level. The idea that we can predict the effects, at a granular level, isn’t too much of a stretch when you look at it that way.


Why is it excellenet for baneful magick? Because it’s slower ? or what? can you expand on that?

You can leverage the negative perception of the retrograde for “negative” works. Also because of the concentration of Mercurial energy.