Have fun with the 4 princes

Ok something really funny just happen.
Currently i’m working with the 4 princes of hell (Belial,Léviathan,Lucifer and Satan). I created a tarot spread that make like a conversation between the 4 + me. And the last one was… Interesting

Belial proposed to have sex with me because he really likes me
Lucifer basically thinks it’s a perfect idea (like he ship me and belial haha)
Satan was telling me to go for it
Léviathan told me i was too precious i should let go of my innocence

During all the reading i won’t stop blushing and laughing i even heard an other laugh.
Love you so much my 4 best boys


If you say so. Just be extra careful not to let parasites using the human proclivity for sex to get under your defenses.


uh i forgot about this “cringy” post, it was just Belial who introduced me to sex magick, nothing weird

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well at least you had a good experience, unlike me who got fucked over

Aww this gave me a good laugh. I look back at some of my stuff I wrote when I first joined and I am like… we were drunk posting that night right (I wasn’t but I can try right?)

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Haha we’ve all been here i think

Ah shit Hope everything is good now

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it isnt, all my senses got fucked over, hey a bit of a personal question (you dont have to answer) are you female?

Yes, why this question ?

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I was just wondering that too :eyes::eyes:

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i was just curious, since you mentioned Belial initiating you in sex magick, i leaned towards you being a girl, and wanted to confirm it

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