Hathor's Rockin Advice

Hey guys! Hope your day was good. Anyways, recently I began working with Hathor and she is such an amazing deity. She’s one of the most calming and kind spirits I’ve encountered. Thanks Lady Eva for reccomending her a while ago. She recently showed me that my problem with relationships and women is my lack of trust due to some painful experiences. It has been hard to trust any girl and she showed me this as I was blind to it before. Tonight I’ll talk to her again for some help on remedying this problem and scar. Thanks Hathor! She really is a great spirit to work with.


I hope things are still going well for you!

I hope things are still going well for you![/quote] I can trust again but there’s no current significant other as of now but I’m dating around. Thank you for your concern :slight_smile:

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That’s what I got, psychological advice when I went to Queen Hathor.


Praise Hathor <3


Hathor is a really multifaceted spirit. She can help in so many ways.


My advice was pretty intense, a book on psychiatry and why idiots fall in love with each other, I had to go back and study it.

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That does sound intense. Why do idiots fall in love with each other? Was she talking about normies?


We are attracted to what we repress in ourselves. We think it’s love, it isn’t, it’s 2 dysfunctional jigsaws fitting together nicely, until time reveals this. I’ll do a better post on this but there are 3 blueprints of mad relationships;

the hen pecked husband situation

the submissive subservient woman with macho idiot

and the crazy mutually abusive argumentative couple


Not all love’s that pathological!! :open_mouth: :smiley:


I know. There’s a way out.

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Basically to sum up an intense subject, our families restrict certain emotional expressions via withdrawal of affection. We then tend to put those emotions in the subconscious garbage can for the rest of our lives. We go about as half people therefore. When we meet that someone we “fall in love with” we are really falling for the hidden parts of ourselves that we see in them OR they seem to be just like us, familiar ie literally the same FAMILY conditioning, same half people, same censored emotions. It’s therefore an endless yearning or search with no final end.

Imagine the problems that causes.

I’ll clarify with an example of a case example. Its tricky to grasp.

The hen pecked male has hidden his own anger. He can’t be assertive or access any of his masculine anger so he attracts a woman who is dominant but in denial of her own feminine need for affection. He can’t give her that protective satisfaction, she denies her neediness so she’s resentful secretly that she has to wear the pants hence she nags him. Its a see saw, if she does express female vulnerability, he shits himself. If he does ever step up to caress her protectively, she starts being a bit of a cunt so he shits himself and steps down and the balance is restored. All because he suppresses his anger and she suppresses her need for affection so in effect it’s two dysfunctional jigsaw pieces slotting nicely (or not nicely) into each other.


She’s beautiful and alluring

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