Has anyone seen this sigil?

I meditate nightly to open my clairvoyance and clairaudience abilities. I’m usually blindfolded and lying down. During each session I make a circle around me, blocking out at spirit that isnt King Belial, as I’ve been working with him to open them. Last night was the first night I ever got any images, which is scribbled down as I saw it below. I then saw a static image of myself blindfolded, lying down the way I was in real time. It spooked me enough to remove my blindfold and make sure someone wasnt watching me(yeah I know) after which I lost my focus and decided to try again tomorrow. My question is has anyone seen this image? I didnt get anything else but this through the static.
Always thanks so much.

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It looks familiar to me but I can’t put my finger on it


Start looking at veves. Here is one for Damballah that has similar elements


This pretty simmilar to the eye of Ódhinn in the heathen grimoire. I’ll post an image later.

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it reminds of a sigil of a spirit that king paimon showed me

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You’re gonna have to trust your own gnosis in the end. All we did was make it clear as mud. :smiley:

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