Has anyone read or experimented with Jareth Tempest's new book The Filthy Grimoire?

Jareth recently put out a new book of sigils connected to servitors, which are in turn powered by a vast “network that collects and stores energy.” Just out of curiosity, does anyone know anything about how that might work/be powered? Seems like a very interesting book. Would be curious to hear your thoughts.


It’s a pretty good one , for both clearing sex and relationship blockages and for attracting what you want ( kink, threesome etc…) I’ve done a few healing ones too soon to see clear results but got some answers in dreams . If you need to know anything specific, just ask :slight_smile:


Thanks for your reply! I’d be curious to hear about your results with the healing rituals in time. Any thoughts about the way the rituals are powered? I’m not aware of him describing his network for powering the rituals anywhere, but maybe I haven’t been looking in the right places.

So I did the “know what you want sexually” ritual and “accept what you want sexually” after that started having romantic feel good dreams (with no one in particular) that made me realise I’m more in to romance than quick hookeups , which explains why I totally loose interest in men who push me for sex !
This week I’m doing the ritual “ remove the fear of intimacy, abandonment and being hurt” and I already got so many triggers because of past experiences that are coming up .
The rituals work with 6 shadows , you gaze at sigils then say each shadows name 3 times then state request, and say the final word of power 3 times . Pretty easy to do.


He describes it on his website:


Thanks! I missed this somehow. Super fascinating!

I bought the book a few days ago and so far I’d say the self help ones work almost immeadiately, I’ve yet to try any spells on a target that isn’t adverse but will update when results manifest. I tried the release desperation sigil and felt instant relief and indifference towards my SP


I was waiting for someone to bring this book up (I didn’t want to be the first).
At first I nearly didn’t get it because it seemed entirely geared towards shagging people and thats not what I’m looking for at the present time.

But I was intrigued by the fact it included a ritual for healing from the trauma of having experienced certain types of adverse experiences. I actually got it just for that as it would be useful for me and some other people I’m helping.

But then when I was reading it, I found that there was a lot of other rituals in there that would be of use to me, such as: Overcoming fears, breaking restrictive programming, causing people to be enchanted by your voice, boosting confidence, making thoughts of you stick in a named person’s mind etc.

I’ve only been working with it for a couple of weeks so haven’t noticed any effects yet (okay except maybe a couple of minor possible coincidences), but a strong energy certainly comes through during the rituals.

It also says somewhere in the book (but I can’t seem to find it now) that you can use it for non sex related things too, ie the sexual confidence ritual you could use for other forms of confidence etc.


I’m interested but i’ll wait for more reviews before to buy it.

Curios of this but all the reviews are the typical oooh it feels so powerful but not tried it yet… So hopefully people get an idea soon of if it works well or not. Probs will buy it anyhow as I enjoy reading these things and it looks interesting.


I bought the book a week ago and tried one of the naughty ones in anticipation of seeing a new target the following day. I was on a two day job in someone’s house and spoke only briefly with the lady but got some nice looks and other good indications from her. She was apparently to me single and seemingly free spirited so I thought yeah why not try it out.

The book is a nice read with an easy process and there is a lot in there for all kinds of love, lust, gender and personal angst situations.
For people in an existing relationship or wanting a new one or branching out into a new direction there’s something for every persuasion and there is a blank version of his sigils for making your own request if your desire is not covered in the book and he gives various ways to connect with his shadow servitors.

The lady I tried it on was a no show the following day but I wouldn’t say it was a complete failure because I didn’t know what her plans might have been and I know the effects that spells can have on other people, so it’s just as likely that she didn’t show because of ‘feelings’ and either it flat out had no affect or she caught on to what could happen and then she avoided it.

Either way I left my phone number there just in case for another time lol.


Interesting lets see if it progresses further :). I think his servitors use a network like LS Sigil network though his own or a mix of both. You can filter the LS network with your own sigil to take away unwanted side affects and use that to power servitors then etc.

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Yeah it was interesting and actually I found a little bit of humour in the fact that she didn’t show up the following day, thinking I wonder what she’s thinking about lol, of course she might have been oblivious to it all but my mind is a playground :grin:

Yes and it’s curious how that subject popped up on here over the last few days.

I wonder what @Keteriya’s take is on this and Tempest’s new book?

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Purchased the day the op asked, but I’ve not had time to read through it yet.

My applications will all be within an existing couple without sexual issues, but I’m sure if I find something of interest there should still be measurable results.

However on the subject of powering it, that’s easy. Every time someone summons a servitor, it gets energy from your effort, mine all banish the area when they enter and convert the bad energy into more useable types, including fueling themselves from it.

I wouldn’t undervalue the energy they take from being contemplated or summoned at all though. It’s actually pretty sufficient on all on itself with one user, add lots of users and the servitor grows strong quickly.

There’s also the possibility he empowers them to have their own soul and connection to the source too, as I have taken to doing with mine.


One curiosity is that he printed his sigils into stickers that he then put in hidden places, out of people’s eyesight in populated areas gathering people ‘left over energy’ whatever that means.


Generally, it means ambient energy. Humans naturally exchange energy with the environments we pass through so my guess is that’s what he’s talking about, the energy we leave behind when we move through a place.

Slapping sticker-sigils all over the place is such a classic Chaos Magick thing to do though. lol


The servitors in the book have all been available on his patreon as stand alones for a long time, so likely they have had quite a bit of usage already

Im experimenting with this. Im currently gestating a battery type servitor and one of its means of gathering energy is to energetically tag any bus I ride on and then, on an ongoing basis, to convert and consume any negative energies on that bus. At least thats the design, I have yet to deploy the servitor for testing.

Buses here (especially in the morning) are over crowded and packed with late, angry, frustrated commuters. Can feel the angst and irritation quite palpably. So I figured why not make use of it and also do something nice for my fellow commuters at the same time


Back in the heyday of Chaos Magick, one of the most common things to do was to pepper an area with sigils in order to increase the amount of magical/supernatural activity. Basically, to create a haunting lol


I also have a servitor working on that right now. Its predecessor (my first servitor some years ago) did this quite well, although it took a long time to ramp up, before dying due to a design fault (long story)- the haunting actually ended up in news media :slight_smile:


The DKMU group lol who did the LS, done a few of those myself.

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