Has anyone noticed an improvement in writing when working with the Goetia?

For example my handwriting has morphed into a beautiful cursive.

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Interesting! Funnily enough, my handwriting didn’t improve but my actual writing definitely did; the way I wrote my papers and the overall quality of my writing increased exponentially. In part, I think it was my petitioning for Marquis Kimaris’ help for a writing course I was taking that helped my writing grow so much stronger and allowed me to become so much more aware of what I was writing. He took me from getting below average in the class to above average like nothing. Handwriting wise? Perhaps I haven’t had the time to write as much physically as I do digitally so I haven’t really noticed a difference :,)



The goetia spirits are humanity’s very loyal friends. The goetia are true givers, generous and always useful. Is very possible that the side effects of working with the goetia are benevolent and constructive as because that is what they do. They help people to become more and a better version of themselves on the path of Ascension.


my handwriting definitly improved

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100 percent --My music writing is 10 times better
Hail king Paimon


Most obvious for me was related to buisness skills and skill in talking to people, negotiation ect. I think it really depends on your intentions and what entities you are working with.


I’ve always been a good writer with nice handwriting to match, but I do feel that I interact and express myself differently than I used to. I believe it’s because I read/study more, I take care of my physical health so my mind is much clearer, and I have more confidence.

That is, in part, due to working with demons (spirits in general), because they have helped me on my path of self-improvement, but I wouldn’t give them all the credit. That goes for everything else I have gotten better at since starting this spiritual journey. I would suggest that you give yourself credit as well.


I didn’t notice until you had said it just now but yes actually. More so my creative writing via technology because all of my work and schooling is online but I’ve definitely seen an improvement.


Since I work with Daemons
My writing has morphed into something that describes my now internal spiritual state.

It is said one writing Form is also a part from the persons personality and being. Mine changed so did my writing since than.