Has anyone ever been to yahweh’s version of heaven and/hell realm and what was it like?

i’ve heard a lot of stories where christians are able to go to this realms and back and i’m wondering if it’s possible for black magicians to do the same or if it even exists?

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Yahweh’s pantheon isn’t a realm, however. There are 7 realms linked to it. I’ve been to the pantheon and it’s pretty interesting everything the buildings and the likes were white, blues, and golds.

Yahweh doesn’t have a hell realm he has nothing to do with hell outside of the egregore people confuse for the actual deity. The infernal/hell is it’s own nation/pantheon of entities and some Gods that choose to reside there.


would you say it is as beautiful as they claim it is and how different would you say these 7 realms are?

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The main realm tied to that pantheon I’ve been to was Zebul and it was always snowing with winged lions protecting it. It’s a large library present with Zadkiel’s angels overlooking it.

The pantheon is beautiful and quite advanced energy wise and other means.


Ive read that black priests or black magiciand are given a way away from the lake of fire, which ive heard is vast, and that is like the center of the earth, as saw in a vision. Heaven visions ive not seen.

wow! do you think you might have stumbled upon some of the many many infinite different realms they call “heavens”?

I don’t believe there are infinite realms called “Heaven” but there are various heavenly realms with various pantheons.


i think these concepts are so crazy and fantastical to me, especially as someone who has never projected anywhere lol

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Thank you for sharing that. Zebul sounds like a realm I could happily get lost in…If I can find a way to get there.

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It kind of reminds me of Bastion in WoW shadowlands. They also have winged lions there called Larions and there is a snowy aspect to it. It seems like the creators of the game were drawn to animate a zone like this through channeling Zebul visions unknowingly, interesting.


I wouldn’t go that far lol, many games use similar concepts.