Had vision of Lucifer the god

So i finished the draconian current project. Really enjoyed it, I’d recommend it for anyone since it is free.

A day later I had a slight different vision of Lucifer. Not the devil, dragon like figure but more of a roman god.

He was…dare I say, beautiful. Looked very feminine. His face was like a female model. But his attire and body was clearly male. He had very little muscle definition. But was still tone. His was dressed like a roman or Greek.

His hair was long silky dark and decorated. He held his hands, in a feminine fashion. Palms turned inwardsm his nails were manicured too.

He seemed to have a perfect balance of idealized female and male qualities. Though I would argue leaned more female. His voice was not deep but soothing as he spoke. And escorted me to his own area. It was like a spot on mount olpimia that was constantly in sunset/twilight.

We sat and spoke. He was very hospitable. Offered a bit of wine and fruit. He seemed just to enjoy the company. I didn’t feel threatened in any way. (I was abit on edge I admit)

Was very interesting and different.

Any one else experince this


Did you contact Lucifer the fallen angel, or Lucifer the Roman God?

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Neither? Well…the temple of acending flame has Lucifer as thier “head” ,I guess, I did the meditation to contact him. Visualized him as they said but…maybe this was sub conscious

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They’re the same dude really. Romans had their version of him which then became twisted by Judeo-Christian influence.

May I congratulate you? This is a very big step for you and you did really good! I know you are more used to working with the more angelic and saint energies. I think this will be the beginning of a stupendous new adventure for you!


I mean. The only way to find truth is to seek it.


The Roman God was named Eosphorus, well in Greek.

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No they didn’t, that’s not how Lucifer came to be in the slightest lol. The Judeo Lucifer existed only in that, the Romans didn’t create that God from him nor vice versa. One is a Titan God and the other is an Angel.

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I think what he means is. The traditions of the figures got twisted. Kinda like how there is a old and new version of Aphrodite.

The one we know is a love goddess. The one before was a goddess of love war and other things

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Yeah but the Roman god did not get twisted into Lucifer the Angel at all. There’s no evidence they even supports that besides the usual “these beings were once gods because why not”

Aphrodite had her focuses on love and war then just love, but she didn’t become a completely different entity or Poseidon as a land and sea God became just noted as a sea God despite his epithet as the earth shaker.

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There is some speculation by historians that this is referance to a fallen king. Or a king who was so proud and vain. Not sure

The fallen king if I remember correctly was about a human but I could be wrong or thinking of something else entirely

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I am actually curious about this myself. I plan to look more into this, I’m gonna write out my report to the temple and ask what they may think

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Other people’s input aside, I think you should do that :wink:

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Any suggestions?

What about you, how your experiences been?