
I figured someone needed to do this. So I would.

This thread is meant to be a kind of complaint department. Since most of us are experienced, myself not included, we could generally all chip in.

I want to direct new magicians who encounter things they can’t handle here. I’m aware of multiple magicians who’ve encountered roadblocks or entities that they couldn’t handle, so, here’s my proposal.

Post your encounter here. Give anything you can about the entity- name, shape, color, characteristics- anything to give us a clear picture.

And we can help you defeat it.

I’m aware this may sort of infringe on Friends with Benefits, but this is a year-round operation, and a last resort: If you can’t overcome something, and are afraid it’ll ruin you, come here.

I’ll be willing to help attack any entity, just as long as I don’t do it alone.


I, and whoever else happens to be reading, am listening. Feel free to come here anytime.

I like this idea, I have been known to indulge in astral big game hunting, so I will chip in whenever someone encounters a beast they can’t handle.

Besides, who doesn’t want to help someone destroy a T-Rex they evoked?

That would be fucking awesome, by the way, so if anyone wants to do that…

[quote=“Sevarn304, post:3, topic:2473”]Besides, who doesn’t want to help someone destroy a T-Rex they evoked?

That would be fucking awesome, by the way, so if anyone wants to do that…[/quote]

I already did that, he’s my freind though so no destroying him.


We need some actual clientele, before we run this thread into the ground. And by that, I mean it turns into a conversation.

I like this idea and I fully support it.

A word of caution though, we should have someone doing divination on each case. Someone may believe themselves attacked and may just be going through a pathworking or initiation. I thought I was cursed or under attack in the past only to find that Belial and Hecate were behindit, testing me as part of my training.

Or as The Queen of Hell put it “She does this because She loves me”

Since I’m not too able to perform divination at this time, I’ll leave that to one of you. I’m probably the least experienced out of the three posters on this thread as of yet.

Well, I’ve learned of some sort of vampyric spirit that’s nudging me along. Through other spirits and my own thoughtforms. I don’t want us to interfere in trials, or anything of the like.

Good idea Orismen.