Green Man Pan Cernunnos Horned God

well lately I have the urge to seek out the green man the ancient Horned deity of the forest… best rituals mantras or incense burning for him… also some say he is just another form of Satan Enki Melek Ta’us Lucifer… is he or is he like Baphomet and just an egregore…

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When I reached out to Satan, he appeared to me in the form of the horned man, so that’s how I’ve always known him to be.

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was he in green covered in forest though or just a goat like Baphomet I have seen Baphomet and Satan Lucifer before Satan appears as a small child and Lucifer is the bright angel never seen him looking like the green man…

Not a green man, no. He was tall, dark. Relatively handsome. Long horns, kind of swept back from his brow. Winged, like bats’ wings. Absolutely wild, and massively powerful.

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well that’s Satan not the green man or Baphomet I’ve only seen Satan in the form of a small boy

I tried getting into a Wiccan current for a while, and Satan was the horned man of my pantheon. He always responded for it, and I’ve always associated him with nature since.

So not “The Horned God”, but he’s also representative of the chaos of nature.

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yeah alot of witches say he is the green man along with Enki Loki and other gods of chaos nature or gods of knowledge and trickery

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To the ancient People’s of western Europe he represented both the hunter and the hunted as well as the domesticated and the domesticator. He represents mankind’s animal aspects so that could be part of the connection between he and Satan the whole carnal animal aspect of mankind thing going on. With Baphomet we have a code that means wisdom. And in the depiction of the Levi piece we see the Caducus of Hermes the representation of alchemy in Solve ET Coagula duality of nature the flame of higher knowledge and connection with the higher self represented in the head. The divine masculine and divine feminine. The pentagram in the forehead representing the golden ratio and the manifestation of the natural world.
The horned god of the Celts having antlers and the Italian version more goat like due to the version of the animal most commonly used in the region.
Anyway was definitely an inspiration for the Christian Satan archetype due to its representations of man’s carnal nature.
Also it was very common for the church at the time to either demonize or grant saint hood to old pagan gods to make it easier on converts.
But let’s not forget that Moses is seen with horns in many depictions and then there is the scapegoat of Azazel mixed in with the whole thing. Then we get into Saturn with horns symbolism and have even more fun when we connect the dots to Saturnalia festival and the Krampus!


don’t forget Shiva who has a pitchfork and is surrounded by serpents…

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