Grande Rite of the Unveiling thread. Formerly, who wants to rip open the realms

well that’s good

ok so we are basically overriding the mist(Veil) i have an idea that it can go both ways, if a large amount of spirits are entering the veil from our side will help to, so we could make a large storm and maybe kill a large amount of people and with the combined forces of spirits entering from both sides should do the trick.

And of course it doesnt have to be that way and i to am open to suggestion

Imagine calling on the Belial, and instead of his forces coming through all at one time through the same tear, imagine them coming through one at a time through differing areas around where king Belial came through. Imagine how much energy would be generated as each of those beings tore their way through a separate portion of the Veil, now imagine entire Legions, each individual demon, angel, or baby dragon tearing its way through the Veil, now imagine this happening all over the world at one time.


Well, overpopulation is a problem… JK

I don’t imagine that it would be that incredibly destructive to call them across, would it be incredible, sure, would it be life-altering, and quite a few cases, yes, but I don’t think they’re going to be bringing forth incredible Super Storms, and setting off Yellowstone just because they arrived in our Realm unfettered.


Hmm, well my English is crappyer than i thought lol, anyways i edited it to make it sound better to y’all.

and it doesnt have to be a storm, maybe just a mass curse to destroy the ignorent or evil(pedos, murders, rapist, ect.) just a passing of spirits on both sides to further cripple the veil

While I am all for the idea of a pedo curse, and I wholeheartedly support the action, I feel like that would detract from the main goal that we’re trying to accomplish here.

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Agreed, i was thinking the say, why dont we save this for a later topic?

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It’s actually already a topic you can search! But yeah back to the business thing

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That was a great topic. So, a mass petition to Lucifer to prepare the initiation. All of us asking for Lucifer to prepare the world and get it ready for the Grande rite?

December 1st, midnight, is that the plan? It doesn’t even have to be an evocation, simply petitioning to Lucifer to prepare the initiation should be more than enough, especially coming from as many magicians are going to be taking part in this ritual.


good plan

What about petitioning Belial to break down programs in the minds of the sleeping? So they actually QUESTION things.


Honestly, I had had thoughts of including Belial somehow in the ritual, but I think you nailed it.


This video says at the 12 00 part that CERN will release Dark Matter that will cause 3 days of darkness which will let entities from the other side. They say God will come through as well.
WARNING::::: This is extreme religion, so apply the Caveat.
But, it might show a way we can rend the veil and bring them over to us.
This is my intention here, with this christian video.

I particularly like the part where Shiva was mentioned. If I’m not mistaken, an earlier comment was that somebody said that they would be calling upon Shiva for the ritual.

Regarding the video, that sounds really cool, got any spare Dark Matter laying around?

All asshole joking aside, it gives me an idea, let me think about that for a bit.

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If you have any Innocent people that want to “Donate” a few drops of blood ( I volunteer, seriously ), then we can use that to summon some entities, particularly those with the ability to transcend dimensions, as they can help “Rend the Veil”.
I prefer to send the entities after bad guys, so no innocent people get hurt.
Send them to some communist dictators, to harass them.
One possibility group to target.
They say we have dark matter in us. How to harness it ?

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As much fun as it would be to send armies of demons after the evil people in the world, I think that we can seriously hold off on the bloodletting and remote sacrifices, because I don’t think they’ll be needed for this ritual. Good thoughts though, great initiative.

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So far as bloodletting, I am only referring to a few drops. E A gives examples of this shedding his own blood on the path working courses.
Nothing criminal or dangerous.
And, only if a person wants to donate a few drops.
Might safely add power to the ritual

I’ll leave it up to you, if you want to spill a little bit of blood for ritual, or if you want to abstain from that, I think it’s up to you, but I do agree that it would add just a little bit more of a punch to the ritual.

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I think it’s a Good idea I’m in n y on new years persay