Got issues with where you live in regards to incense?

A helpful tip a mage from the GD side encouraged, was to go to a arts and crafts store and buy a diffuser.
I think I know what it is, its sort of like a humidifier but scented oils vs water.


Depends why you want incense.
There won’t be any smoke with a diffuser, it just smells nice. Smelling nice is not so much the point of incense, as it’s usually for making an offering and/or setting up a manifestation base with the smoke.

You can use dry ice or steam for a manifestation base as well if you can’t have smoke. You could also scry into a black mirror. Maybe use a lava lamp that throws shadows on the walls… Probably other things for a visual manifestation I’m not thinking of right now.


A diffuser may indeed replace incense both “generally”, and for evocation thanks to the mist coming out.
If the device has colored lights and it’s possible to select one, specific workings may be performed and entities summoned: red for Mars, cyan for Water, blue-violet for respectively less or high ranked demons etc.


Have you tried these types?
They are very thin, almost 3 inches long.
They do not make strong smoke and have an aroma of seaweed.
You can usually find it in Asian product stores.


This might be usefuil for me as well, thanks.


Another alternative, is to do in non ceremonial magic is to use dressed candles (dressed means you rub it with a few drops of oil in your palm, for example sandalwood oil and apple-cinnamon I use) for different types of meditation or magical use.

In ceremonial magic, the swinging censer of charcoal lit incense is used as well as salt water to consecrate an area of working, and your circle as the container of energy.

Also as someone else pointed out it helps in aiding manifestaion of a spirit to visible form.


I have a cat. I cannot actually use incense. But my grandmother is okay smoking over a pack a day, so what do i know