Good meditation for black megickians

I’m looking for a simple and powerful meditation to practice daily to improve my psychic abilities for evocation.

If anybody have any suggestions that’d be wonderful :slightly_smiling_face:

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The microcosmic orbit in qigong.


This is what I do personally.

I do 30 minutes of meditation. I try and focus on an object instead of nothing. I try and get that object as crystal clear as possible and hold it. This improves your magical imagination and also your focus, which both are completely essential to magick.

When I finish that, I do structuring for 15 minutes. Now, I take whatever object I was meditating on and project it in front of me. If you don’t know what structuring is I will briefly explain it.
Close your eyes, think of a lamp for 30 seconds. Then open them and see it in front of you. Don’t worry about the details. That comes later. You need to be able to hold that image projection.
This is an essential skill in evocation as you have to give the spirit a body which you have to structure in front of you.
Then for the next 15 minutes I do candle gazing. Which improves focus. I try not to blink for this to emphasise the focus.

Obviously I wouldn’t recommend 1 hour of this as you will most likely give up due to not being use to it. I started with 10 minutes of meditation. 5 minutes of structuring and 5 minutes of candle gazing. Build yourself up. Rome wasn’t built in a day. :wink:


I have always wanted to do qigong. Only for the reason to manipulate my sexual energy.

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There are so many forms of meditation. I think the simplest is to just to find a comfortable sitting position, preferably in a chair unless you are used to sitting on the ground. And just allow your concentration to focus on your breath. When your thoughts wander, don’t be mad or anxious, just allow your focus to go back to the breath, this trains the mind to focus.

After a while you can work on visualization techniques for improving the strength of your imagination, but learning focus is key.


Thank you :two_hearts:

I believe both go hand in hand. Magicikal imagination involves the skill of focus. That’s why I do both.
Also, I would highly recommend working with a spirit to help develop these abilities if your new. You have an army, use them.

I always have trouble structuring. I see flashes of the image but can’t see the aura or the outline as ea instructs :slightly_frowning_face:

I think you have a wrong view of structuring. He doesn’t really explain it that well in the course. I learnt the hard way as well until someone showed me properly and then everything fell into place.

If you can see the image in your minds eye well and then see it in front of you that is structuring. You won’t physically see it, you won’t physically see an aura or outline in front of you. It is more of a self induced hallucination.

Combine structuring with the rapture and crossroads and Incense smoke, the spirit will fully materialise.

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SERIOUSLY?! I tried this shit for a year before I gave up on it!

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Yesss! I almost gave up after a month because I was waiting for a physical outline. Then I got corrected. I took it as a blessing in disguise. I saw the cup half full not half empty because that whole time I was perfecting my magical imagination and if I knew what structuring was properly I probably would’ve spent half the time practicing it. Now I got a developed imagination.

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It’s that simple

I see a flashes of images during evocation but I can’t seem to reach rapture, I repeat the name over and over but feel nothing. Sometimes I feel a bit heavy but that’s it. Am I doing something worng there?

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What I did was go and rewatch the evocation course. Particular the 2nd evocation he does. It’s without scrying and no manifestation base. All you do is structure the spirit, there is no rapture and no tools you need. Just you and the sigil.

The only time you need to get into the rapture is if you have a manifestation base to fully materialise the spirit. I would recommend watching that lesson and call on Mepsitahl or Mephistopheles. Mepsitahl Is an angel. She is very beautiful and very patient. Mephistopheles is a demon. He is very good to work with. Also Sastan if you like him?
Ask them for their help and use the opportunity to practice structuring. Like I said, if you can see it in your mind and then see it in front of you, your structuring.
Practice it above all else because it is literally the core of evocation itself.

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Then I’ll evoke them everyday until I get a full manifestation. Also do you perform LBRP when evoking angelic spirits?

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I[quote=“John_Wizard, post:17, topic:137200, full:true”]
Then I’ll evoke them everyday until I get a full manifestation. Also do you perform LBRP when evoking angelic spirits?

That’s the way!

I do. I am currently living with someone and they can make some pretty crazy stuff happen! I do it just to be on the safe side.

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EA’s AH meditation.

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Yeah I’m also living with a roommate and I can only practice when he’s out lol. Anyway thank you so much man! You really helped me a lot. Thank you :two_hearts:

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