Gonna try the DoM method for connective evocation tmrw

So lately my struggle has been understanding what the entities have been trying to communicate to me. Ill feel a pull towards a certain spirit, make the call and feel the presence but all the messages are very cloudy and dont get thru very well.

Gonna follow everything to a T. Usually when i do things more ritualisticly i can get thru better. My astral senses still need work, but i believe using this system regularly will greatly improve my practice & senses in general.

Anyone wanna share their success stories using Demons of Magick?


It’s a great book, I love it. Connective evocation is my favorite of the methods in the book I have used. Super thorough and helpful book.


Looking forward to read your experience, as for me I only did the first ritual

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Im not satisfied with only feeling the presence of a demon. Ive gotten to the point where i can have internal dialog but that happens very rarely.

This seems like a surefire method to communicate with the spirit i intend to call. Once i develop rapport i aim to learn as much as i can about magick & the occult from them.

The methods in this book can get you what you want. It took me at least several months before I could reliably receive some sort of communication in ritual every time, and then more practice after that before I could have some back-and-forth communication or channel through longer messages that weren’t just brain-noise or eagerness to communicate with a spiritual being.

What causes this to be the case? I believe there are a few different factors that go into it.

One is simply sensing energy. I don’t think energy is as important as some make it out to be when it comes to manifesting results, but when it comes to more direct spiritual experience, then yes there is an amount of sensitivity training that you need. I think it might be Furcas that assists with this.

Another is getting used to the ritual experience and uncovering how these things actually work, and becoming accustomed to the demons and more attuned to their presence and energy. It has been the case for me that spirits will only reveal more of their powers when you dedicate yourself to their magick over some time.

The classic advice of evoke often holds. Evoke the demons to get results, and the magickal abilities will come as you become soaked in the demonic energy.

I’m going to make this point again - evoke to get results, not to try and chat with a demon, as that is often the pathway to delusion and ineffective magick. It has been my experience that the demons thrive on being called to enact their power in the material world. I have witnessed demons ecstatic at being summoned.

The demons want to be made manifest, and if you give them what they want, they are able to give you what you want because you have made them more real in this material world by calling them into the web of cause and effect.


I love that. Evoke to get results. And thats exactly what i intend to do! I have certain goals & agendas im working on and i feel drawn to try this books approach the most.

My paperback just came in now. Ill tell u guys what happens later

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Just wanted to give an update.

Did the ritual process, and during chanting the word of power i felt energy building up in me. Tingling all over. Then i called forth Orias, and stated my desire. Then i just asked him some questions with my pendulum, and i tell ya that thing was moving so fast i couldnt believe it.

One of my candles was also burning super hot during the arch angels calls, it started spitting wax out everywhere.

I asked if i should work w other spirits to improve my clairessence and he said no, then i heard my inside voice say “do these rituals more often and that will improve yourself”

I consider this a massive success on my end. Definitely gonna do this everyday.


Another bump to this thread cuz this method gets fast action.

I did another evocation for agares to employ him for this task as i felt it was right. I spoke my desire and asked if he understood that orias would also be working here. Clear yes. Then i asked if he could reveal how it would come to manifest in a dream and he said no, so i sort of bribed him into doing it w nicotine.

He agreed, and i took a few puffs of my vape and the pendulum was going crazy w excitement. I then asked if chanting his enn would help me hear better and he said no, but i got the feeling that i have to let go of the desire to hear better. To just keep doing what im doing. I think that was him.


When called with this method, the demons will do as they are commanded. If the demon tries to withhold from you, demanding some bargain, know that you have lost the dynamic you are aiming to achieve, which is one of respect to you as the one with the authority to give this command. Sometimes the demons will provide you with the knowledge of what they prefer as an offering, and that’s fine. What you want to avoid is destroying yourself in an attempt to appease the demon.

I found that the demons were very willing to do what they do when evoked with the offer of a gift for the results. The ritual offerings are an important part of this system, and if you are evoking every day, you will have offerings to do as well. Seven evocations means seven ritual offerings.

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Got it. Im most likely gonna gonna evoke orias everyday to build that connection i felt him the strongest

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I would only recommend this if you make a different intention with each ritual. Sometimes direct repetition of a ritual is the thing to do, but not with this magick. What you want to avoid is evoking the demon with no intention other than to attempt to sense a demon and feel wowed by demonic energy.

What would cause you to summon a demon every day, with wishy-washy intention? All that will do is weaken your intentions and your rituals with disclarity and lack of focused manifestation.

The magick isn’t going anywhere, and the demons will come when called. Would you call upon a King you’ve never met and just say hi? If it were me, I’d ignore you for wasting my time, however awed by my presence you may be.

There have been times when I evoked the same demon over multiple days, but on each day I had a different intention and gave a different command. Later, I performed offerings for each ritual after the results from the evocations developed and manifested.

I would avoid chaining yourself to any one demon, however impressive of a show that demon may have put on for you. The power of Goetia comes from having access to all 72 demons, not from worshipping one of them. It’s fine to build a relationship, and if you feel that the demon is calling to you in this way, feel free to ignore me and listen to the magick, only consider that I can point to results for every ritual that I perform, sometimes immediately, sometimes in the days and weeks that follow.

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Thanks for the advice my man! Ive been evoking many spirits to tackle a complex issue.

I was told to let go of my lust for improving my psychic abilities, that i only need the will to have it improve over time. Thats whats been holding me back.

I even got answers today from Seer about this problem ive been facing. Since he can make something happen quickly i decided to call him. This is the first demon who asked for more details on my issue, then said itd take 3 months to manifest.

I have complete faith in these spirits and i feel a weight has been lifted off my shoulder. Time to focus my magick on other areas of my life & let these guys go to work!

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That’s something you’ll hear now and then - a pattern you’ll sometimes see is results coming in 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years. Sometimes it’s pretty on the money, regardless, I’ve found that the 3rd time is indeed often the charm when it comes to building a habit, like practicing something or exercising. First time you’re hyped up on novelty and the potential results, second time you’re still coming down off all the hype, then the reality begins to set in that this is something you gotta do continuously and not slack at to get there. If you can find the pleasure in just doing the thing, even with the limited view of the likely long road ahead, then you push through that barrier.

I am of the opinion that if you are not extremely skeptical of what you are doing or what is going on when it comes to psychic abilities, you will become outrageously delusional, which is the exact opposite of the point. I have skepticism trained into me rather thoroughly from a subject outside of magick, and I have experienced things which even that level of questioning faltered before.

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@shinri If you want to understand the GOM methods better and why they are working + improve your results I would recommend you to read Jacobus G. Swart´s books. It is a huge task, since you’ll be reading 2500+ pages but GOM used a lot of his material and it will explain certain ritual procedures that they simplified in my opinion badly that are crucial to receive fast results (for example the disk gateway to infinity is one of the things they just messed up badly).


Interesting. Could you please elaborate more on the gateway to infinity part. So, how would you approach that part instead? Anything you do differently or suggest adding an aspect that you believe is better?

Well it essentially is quite easy but, I would suggest you read it yourself. This center is based on Kabbalistic doctrine and that all of us are a part of god and the whole. This point connects us to all other people and to the creative force and is IN us. Doing your magick in a certain manner makes use of this fact and speeds up results. It is a bit comparable to what LHP people termed the black flame. But this short description is not sufficient to describe all Swart used to describe it. Mind you the first three books are preparatory for using it most efficiently, so I would recommend to read it yourself.

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I’ve come across Swart’s material before, although I haven’t really read him. I have an overall pretty bare-bones knowledge of Kabbalah.

Would you mind elaborating on the disk gateway to infinity? Are you familiar with their Light from the Dark practice? It is presented in the books as an energy work technique, which isn’t wrong, but it involves contemplating infinity, infinite darkness and light, within and without. It’s a pretty short and simple practice, but contemplating infinite space, even just contemplating the size of the planet, the solar system, the galaxy, the galaxy group, the universe, is enough to blast your brain as it is, let alone infinity.

I believe I’ve at least dabbled with all of their books, and to your point, there are some rituals that don’t seem to directly involve summoning Source-Consciousness (God, whatever label you want to use, God being more Kabbalah style), but in my experience, this hasn’t mattered when it comes to manifesting the result requested in the ritual, nor has it seemed to affect speed of manifestation.

The reason I don’t entirely agree with the idea that the GoM’s material is poorly simplified is because it has worked very, very well for me over the years I have been practicing. I think people get caught up on trying to jam everything, everything into a ritual, when that isn’t necessary. If all is of God, then is it really necessary to invoke countless Godnames, summon every element, contemplate all the spheres, etc, to manifest a simple result? I don’t think this is so much a question of philosophy as it is one of empirical experience. I have done sex magick by literally just making an intention, symbolizing it as a sigil, and masturbating, looking at it at orgasm, and that worked. Not only did it work quickly, nearly immediately, with no considerations of God or spheres, the results grew and expanded over the course of months and years, all from a relatively speedy masturbation session and a symbolized intention.

If someone is having difficulty with manifesting results, I’d say trying to read thick philosophical texts is likely counter-productive, unless their goal is to manifest an advancement in philosophy.

Does anything fucking matter then? Why not make my magick into, whenever I want to manifest something, I throw some peanuts at a wall. I fully expect that to work for many things. There’d be so many goddamn peanut synchronicities I’d go nuts. Results would manifest in a strangely peanutty way. I’d forever be haunted by the peanut man, leaving drops of peanuts everywhere I went, my life slowly devolving into a landscape of legumes.

Spirits seem to be real and have some sort of existence, though, so that means we have to caveat every sort of conversation like this with, yeah but if you want some other mystical things to happen or if you want to access archetypal powers, now we are entering the realm where there is correct and incorrect, because it seems that you do have to plug yourself into Source-Consciousness, even though you already are, but you have to do it consciously and experience the energy consciously.

To summarize this 2500+ pages of material, for practical manifestation I think barely anything can definitely work with magickal intention, but spirits help you get better with intentions and realizing what intention can do outside of your mind, and some concepts are important for enlightenment magick.

This is really difficult to discuss in a concise manner.


Dude its funny you mention sex magick cuz i just created a sigil & stared at it during climax today.

Fuckin weird shit brother.

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